Texas Tech University


Danielle Craig



Danielle Craig

Email: Danielle.Craig@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.834.4022
Office: CASNR Annex 128 D
Curriculum Vitae

Danielle Craig is a Graduate Part Time Instructor in Texas Tech University's Department of Landscape Architecture and a Ph.D. student in Land Use, Planning, Management, and Design.  Danielle joined the Department after completing her Master's research analyzing municipal comprehensive plans and land development codes in the Austin-San Antonio Corridor for presence of stormwater ecosystem services.  Her research supports increased inclusion of stormwater ecosystem services within municipal plans and codes and provides policy pathways for achieving this important goal that will help create a sustainable and resilient urban future.

Danielle plans to continue her research looking at various ways to improve urban landscapes through design, planning, policy, and land management.  She is investigating the potential roles that technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, machine learning, and geospatial data science can play in supporting best practices for land design, planning, and policy.  Her interests also include urban green infrastructure and ecosystem services law and policy, particularly at the local level.  Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master's in Business Administration, a Juris Doctorate, and a Master's in Landscape Architecture all from Texas Tech University.