Internship and Study Abroad
Internship Requirement and Procedure
The LARC 4000/5000 LA Internship experience provides students valuable office specialization opportunities under the supervision of a registered landscape architect or related licensed practitioner (architect, engineer, planner). A minimum of 6 months full-time employment or employment+study abroad are required to satisfy the minimum 3 credit hour requirement. The following table outlines the 5 options students have for pre-approved internship, internship study abroad, or research experiences.
Internship Requirements
In order to register for LARC 4000/5000 LA Internship, the student must complete a Internship Approval Form (IAF) in the fall semester prior to internship. Approval will be given based upon the type of work the student will complete, anticipated responsibilities, and timing. Along with the proper approval form, each student is required to complete an Internship Preparation Seminar the semester prior to the internship. Internship seminar details will be posted to the LA Department website and emailed to all eligible students.
Study Abroad Requirements
A student choosing to study abroad for specialization or global experience must complete a Study Abroad Approval Form (SAF) in the fall semester prior. Approval will be granted based upon the location and course enrollment options available at the administering institution. Students will be responsible for adhering to the Office of International Affairs requirements with the assistance of the Department of Landscape Architecture. Please refer to the LA department list of approved programs.
When to Take Internship
Students will be required to register for the internship course during the semester of participation. Undergraduate students will typically participate in the internship or study abroad during the spring and summer semesters of their third year of study as undergraduates. Any deviation from the curriculum plan will require prior approval by the LA department. Students will not be granted internship credit experience for professional experience that takes place prior to their second year of undergraduate study.
Report and Evaluation
To receive credit for internship, each student must submit an Internship Evaluation Survey upon completion of work study with a professional office. In addition, each student will be required to correspond with the department assigned faculty for midterm and final term internship evaluations, as well as present a report detailing work activities. The IES survey, check points, and report will be the basis for assigning a final grade for the minimum 3 credit course.
If you have any questions regarding internship guidelines and regulations, please contact the Department of Landscape Architecture for further clarification.
Department of Landscape Architecture
Texas Tech University
2904 15th St., Lubbock TX 79409
Landscape Architecture
2904 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2858 -