Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University Academy of Mechanical Engineers


The Texas Tech University Academy of Mechanical Engineers was organized during the 1991-92 academic year. The Academy recognizes alumni, supporters, and friends who have distinguished themselves through professional, civic and community accomplishments, and who are personally willing to involve themselves in contributing to the continued development of the Department and the success of its graduates. The Academy provides enrichment and support of Mechanical Engineering education through the involvement of and interaction with experienced professionals in the educational programs provided by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Membership is limited to approximately 10% of the living Department alumni.

Membership Listing

Photo Gallery from Academy Banquets

Mission Statement

The Texas Tech University Academy of Mechanical Engineers serves as a vital link between the Department of Mechanical Engineering, its alumni, supporters, and industry. Organized during the 1991-92 academic year, the Academy of Mechanical Engineers recognizes supporters, friends, and alumni who have distinguished themselves through professional, civic, and humanitarian accomplishments, and who are personally willing to involve themselves in the future of the Department. Cognizant of the history of the Texas Tech University for educating engineers with a solid, well-rounded background, the Academy seeks to assist in perpetuating the legacy of the Department and in underwriting the competency of its graduates.

The Academy acknowledges the significant contributions that mechanical engineers make in our everyday lives. In recognizing the value of engineering as a profession and the worth of future practicing engineers, the Academy believes that the students of Mechanical Engineering deserve access to the finest faculty, staff, and equipment resources available. Through an annual commitment of financial contributions and feedback communication, the Academy can and does make a difference in the lives of Mechanical Engineering students, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, the profession, and society.

Brief Accomplishment History

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has maintained a long-term relationship with distinguished alumni and other supporters through the Academy. Supplemental financial contributions to the Department by the Academy have been important in satisfying immediate, targeted needs. Similarly, annual communication between the Academy and the leadership, staff, and faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering has sustained the historical link between industry and education. Annual investments of time, resources, and communication by the Academy of Mechanical Engineers have helped to provide long-term, positive benefits to the Department, and has assisted in offering a more successful educational experience for the students of Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University.

Current 2011 Projects and Organizations receiving funds from the Academy of Mechanical Engineers include:

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • ASME
  • π τ σ (Pi Tau Sigma)
  • Rick Husband Scholarship Fund

Academy Presentations

Academy Bylaws

  1. Purposes
    • To honor, recognize, and celebrate the achievements of graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, thus encouraging alumni and students, current and future.
    • To identify nominees for recognition by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
    • To support the education programs at Texas Tech University to benefit students, alumni, and others.
    • To provide a means of liaison and communication between the Department of Mechanical Engineering faculty, students, the Industrial Advisory Committee, and industry.
  2. Functions
    • The Academy may consider all matters relevant to the Mechanical Engineering professions, including, but not limited to the following:
      • Encourage alumni and other professionals to greater levels of involvement in the educational process, especially in the Mechanical Engineering programs at Texas Tech University.
      • Serve as speakers or suggest speakers for classes, ASME student chapter meetings, seminars, and educational programs.
      • Identify contemporary issues in engineering, identify possible mechanisms, personnel, and resources to address those issues.
      • Participate in Mechanical Engineering internships and/or other programs to acquaint students with opportunities and careers in various Mechanical Engineering fields.
      • Make nominations for Department of Mechanical Engineering recognition, College of Engineering recognition, and for other awards and honors.
      • Assist the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the College of Engineering, and Texas Tech University in identifying and developing financial sources − especially endowments − to support educational, research, and professional services missions.
  3. Memberships
    • Members shall be limited to living individuals, duly elected, who hold a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas Tech University, or have provided outstanding support to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and have distinguished themselves in their career.
    • Charter members shall be nominated from Mechanical Engineering Distinguished Engineers, former Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Committee members, and other eminent Mechanical Engineering graduates. Charter member nominations will be solicited and selections will be made by a committee composed of the Department of Mechanical Engineering chair, three Mechanical Engineering faculty, and three members of the Industrial Advisory Committee. Charter membership shall be limited to 35 individuals who best meet the overall criteria for membership.
    • Nominations for future Academy membership may be made by current Academy members, by alumni, Department of Mechanical Engineering faculty, or Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Committee members. Nominees must have distinguished themselves in their career. Members of the Academy shall be selected on the basis of exhibited accomplishments in the following categories: leadership, impact on their chosen field, technical achievement, and social or humanitarian contributions. The Academy Membership Committee shall recommend appropriate nominees for election by the membership. Nominees shall be individually elected by a unanimous affirmative vote of the membership present and voting prior to the annual inauguration meeting.
    • Membership shall be limited to approximately 10% of the living alumni. Non-gradates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering shall comprise no more than 10% of the membership. No more than ten individuals may be elected in any year. Membership shall normally continue for life, unless the individual requests in writing that his/her membership be terminated.
    • Newly-elected members will be inducted at the annual meeting of the Academy.
  4. Meetings
    • An annual meeting will be held for the general membership, at which time induction of new members will occur, status of the Academy's activities will be reported, and election of officers will take place. Other meetings may be called by the officers of committees as needed to carry on the business of the Academy.
    • The first meeting shall be called by the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering after the charter memberships have been selected.
  5. Dues
    • No dues shall be assessed for membership in the Mechanical Engineering Academy. However, the membership shall be encouraged to make voluntary contributions to support the functions of the Academy. The Academy treasurer shall determine and announce, at the annual meeting, the contribution amount needed to ensure that the operations of the Academy do not present a financial burden to the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  6. Compensation
    • No member shall receive any compensation whatever, for, or in conjunction with, his/her service as a member or officer of the Academy.
  7. Organization
    • The Mechanical Engineering Academy shall define its own organizational structure and shall elect its own officers who will conduct its affairs. Officers shall include a chair, a chair-elect who serves as a vice-chair, a secretary, and a treasurer. Officers shall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting and shall assume their responsibilities after the meeting has been adjourned and the minutes of the meeting have been filed.
    • The following standing committees have been established:
    • Membership Committee
      • Purpose: To receive and review recommendations for new inductees to the Academy, to determine each year the number to be inducted, and to nominate individuals for election by the Academy membership.
      • Membership: At least five members, including at least one from the Texas Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering faculty. The Academy Vice-Chair and the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering serve ex-officio.
    • Local Arrangements Committee
      • Purpose: To make arrangements for the induction banquet, including the recognition plaques, programs, etc.
      • Membership: At least three members, including a staff person from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and at least one member located in Lubbock.
    • The Mechanical Engineering Academy will coordinate with the Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Committee when their activities have a joint purpose.
    • The Mechanical Engineering Academy will maintain a set of written bylaws, which may be modified by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the membership present and voting.