Texas Tech University

HeeSun Choi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Experimental (Human Factors)

Email: heesun.choi@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-1739

Office: Psychology Building 308
Lab: Academic Sicences Building 231

Ph.D., 2016, North Carolina State University
M.S., 2013, North Carolina State University
B.A., 2007, Yonsei University, South Korea

Web site: www.choipsylab.com

*Dr.Choi will review HF graduate program applications for 2025 Fall.

Dr. HeeSun Choi

Research Interests

Dr. Choi’s research investigates the impact of human augmentation and assistive technology on the user’s attention and cognitive functions and resulting safety outcomes. The primary goals of her research are to assess the benefits, effects, and risks of emerging technology that enhances and amplifies human physical and cognitive capabilities and to contribute to its development and safe applications, with a focus on older adults and industry workers.

Her current research aims to 1) examine behavioral, neural, and cognitive changes both during and after the prolonged use of extended reality (XR; e.g., virtual reality [VR] and augmented reality [AR]), industrial exoskeletons, and robotic exoskeleton boots; 2) investigate the impact of assistive technology on aging workers’ retirement intention, occupational self-efficacy, and workplace ageism; 3) develop XR-based training tools for people with cognitive impairments; and 4) develop and validate a scale for assessing user perceptions toward wearable robots.

Teaching Interests and Activities

Graduate Course:
PSY 5354 Seminar in Perception: Theories and Applications
PSY 5370 Human Factors Psychology

Undergraduate Course:
PSY 3401 Research Methods