Texas Tech University


August 2024

  • August 2024, PRYDe lab and TRTL lab receive 3.6 million dollar grant from NIH (R01-EY036676) to study risk and resilience in children who are blind or visually impaired (CBVI). This project will specifically investigate the role of social exclusion and discrimination (i.e., ableism) on the physical and mental health of a national sample of CBVI between 9 and 17 years of age.

March 2024

  • Megan Skaggs, Savannah Davis, and Charlene Neudek presented their posters at SWPA in San Antonio. Megan recieved a Psi Chi travel grant for her work.
  • Keely Esch, Savannah Trevino, Viviana Rodriguez, Tirza Alcala, Sinem Camlica, Arianna Albertorio, Angelica Galdamez-Avila, and Becca Berquist and Victoria Dennis presented their posters at APLS in Los Angeles, CA.

April 2023

  • Annabelle Hays presented her poster about TBI and Resilience. She came 2nd place for the "Safety Impact" Area award with a prize of $500. 

March 2023

  • The PRYDe lab was recognized with the President’s emerging Engaged Scholarship award with other faculty collaborators for their work with the R.E.Y.N.A. project. This is a community-involved policing initiative whose mission is to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for justice-involved youth.
  • Becca Bergquist receives the Angela K. Stevens Clinical Research Award. This annual award recognizes a graduate student who has made substantial contributions to the research mission of the program and university. Great job Becca!

February 2023

  • PRYDe lab receives $300,000 grant for pediatric neuropsychology services and research. The PRYDe lab received a $300,000 grant as part of a larger project to provide pediatric neuropsychology services to West Texas and to perform research into how pediatric neuropsychological assessment can inform treatment and school programing. The project will also examine the interplay between family and social factors, neuropsychological functioning, and intervention response within participants.
  • Congratulations to Becca Bergquist, Jimmy Barnett, and Amber Morrow who matched for their clinical psychology predoctoral internships! Becca will be heading to the Forensic track at Utah State Hospital, Jimmy matched to Dell Children’s Hospital in Austin, and Amber will be going to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville on the VUMC’s Child & Adolescent track! Well done to all of you for reaching this milestone! 

January 2023

  • Congratulations to Arianna Albertorio (PRYDe Undergraduate Research Assistant) who received the Access Path Award from the Broadening Representation, Inclusion, Diversity, and Global Equity (BRIDGE) Committee of the American Psychology-Law Society for her project titled Exploring the Relation between History of Traumatic Brain Injury and Criminogenic Risk Among Justice-Involved Youth.

September 2022

  • Annabelle Hays is awarded funding from the TTU Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences (TrUE) to present her project, "The Association between TBI and Resiliency among Adolescents", at the 2023 Undergraduate Research Conference.
  • Kymmy Ross receives 2022 American Psychological Foundation (APF) Division 18 grant for her dissertation research focusing on personality assessment within forensic settings.
  • Dr. Schmidt named TMPO fellow. Dr. Schmidt was admitted to the Teaching through Mentoring and Peer Observation program at Texas Tech. This is a program sponsored by the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development center at TTU designed to help faculty mentor other faculty in teaching.

March 2022

  • Becca Bergquist is awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the TTU Graduate School for her dissertation project, "Neuropsychological Profiles of Justice-Involved Youth: Implications for Risk and Protective Factors.”  Congrats, Becca!
  • Amber Morrow is awarded a COVID Dissertation Fellowship from the TTU Graduate School for her dissertation project, "Examining Moderating Effects of Parental Factors on the Relations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Preschooler’s Executive Functioning (EF).” Great work, Amber!

February 2022

  • Congrats to James Barnett and Amber Morrow for obtaining funding for their dissertation projects from the Graduate Student Research Support Program!

August 2021

  •  Victoria Dennis virtually presented, "Juvenile Miranda warning comprehension: A systematic review" at the 2021 American Psychological Association (APA) Convention. Good work Victoria! 
  • Welcome new PYRDe Lab graduate students Alexandra Bammel, Kimmy Ross, McCown Leggett, and Victoria Dennis!
  • Dr. Schmidt is invited for Editorial Board membership for Frontiers in Neurology.  

July 2021

  • Becca Bergquist and James Barnett presented "Trauma Informed Care for Justice Involved Youth" at the West Texas Regional Mental Health Conference. Great job Becca and James! 

June 2021  

  • Lauren Prince presented "The Relation between Abuse Types and Agression in Justice-Involved Youth" at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention. Good work Lauren!
  •  PRYDe Lab receives grant for researching best practices for psychological assessment of Justice-involved Youth!

March 2021

  • Lauren Prince presented "Abuse type effects on PTSD symptom severity" at the AP-LS Virtual Poster Session and "The Interaction between Trauma Type and Recidivism in Justice-Involved Youth" at the Texas Tech URC. Great job, Lauren!
  • "The Relation between Abuse Types and Aggression in Justice-Involved Youth" was accepted to be presented at the 82nd annual convention for the Canadian Psychological Association . The conference will take place in June and we know that Lauren will do great!
  • Congratulations to Lauren Prince for being a recipient of an Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the Department of Psychological Sciences!

Febuary 2021

  •  "The Interaction between Trauma Type and Recidivism in Justice-Involved Youth" was accepted to be presented at the annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Texas Tech University in March by Undergraduate RA Lauren Prince. Congratulations, Lauren!

January 2021

  • "Abuse type effects on PTSD symptom severity" was accepted to be presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Virtual Poster Session in March by Undergraduate RA Lauren Prince!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Schmidt for being named Texas Tech University Integrated Scholar!

October 2020

  • Amber Benet completes the first phase of PCIT certification! Congratulations Amber!

September 2020

  • Congratulationsto Jason Sharp whose paper on "Exploring the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Perceived Parental Neglect and Indifference in Young Adulthood" was a finalist for the Texas Psychological Association's Diversity Division contest.

August 2020

  • Congratulations to LeRoi Hill, Jenny Chong, and Allie Gibson for completing their predoctoral internship and officially graduating with their Ph.D.’s from Texas Tech!

June 2020

  • PRYDe Lab student LeRoi Hill successfully defends his dissertation (The Effects of Child Protective Services Involvement, Childhood Trauma, and Time in Detention on Crossover Youth Recidivism). Congratulations LeRoi!
  • Several PRYDe Lab graduate and undergraduate students virtually present posters at the 32nd annual Association for Psychological Sciences (APS) Convention, Virtual Poster Showcase. Great work, Tucker, Amber, Liz, and Victoria!

May 2020

  • PRYDe Lab student Becca Bergquist is awarded the TTU Department of Psychological Sciences' Clay E. George Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year.

  • PRYDe Lab student Kelsey Maloney is chosen as the recipient of the TTU Department of Psychological Sciences' 2020 Clinical Research Award.

  • PRYDe Lab student Amber Benet is awarded the Covenant Health and Social Services Graduate Fellowship for the 2020-2021 school year!

  • Jenny Chong successfully defends her dissertation (Prospective-Longitudinal Associations of Parental Alcohol Use Problems and Parental Warmth with Anxiety and Depression from Early to Late Adolescence). Congratulations, Jenny!

  • Chelsy Simmons successfully proposes her dissertation (Mediators and Moderators of Positive Reframing and Symptoms of Internalizing). Congratulations, Chelsy!

  • Becca Bergquist successfully defends her thesis (Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Justice Outcomes: The Role of Individual and External Protective Processes). Congratulations, Becca!

April 2020

  • PRYDe Lab student Amber Benet’s poster for the from Oklahoma Psychological Society annual research conference wins 1st place among the Graduate Student posters! 

March 2020

  • Several PRYDe Lab graduate and undergraduate students present at the 2020 American Psychology-Law Society Conference (AP-LS). Great work, Kelsey, Alli, Becca, Jimmy, James, Leigha, and Kaylee!
  • Becca received an Outstanding Student Poster Award from the American Psychology and Law Society for her project, "Examining the Role of Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors in Risk Level Categorization Among Justice-Involved Youth."
  • Seven PRYDe undergraduate students virtually presented at the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference. Great work, Jason, Leigha, Liz, Lauren, Robin, Taylor, and Victoria!

February 2020

  • PRYDe Lab students Alli Morton and Kelsey Maloney match for their clinical psychology internship! Kelsey will be going to the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, TN. Alli will be headed to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, AR. Congratulations!

January 2020

  • PRYDe Lab student Becca Bergquist receives the AP-LS Travel award. Congratulations Becca!
  • PRYDe Lab undergraduate student Kaevyn Maple receives Access Path to Psychology and Law award from AP-LS. Congratulations Kaevyn!
  • Dr. Schmidt named associate editor for the journal Psychology and Neuroscience (an international, interdisciplinary journal published by APA).

December 2019

  • PRYDe Lab student Amber Benet successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations Amber!

October 2019

  • PRYDe Lab student Allie Gibson successfully defends her dissertation. Congratulations Allie!

July 2019

  • In collaboration with Dr. Paul Ingram PRYDe Lab receives pilot funding from the Minnesota Press to evaluate validity of the MMPI-A-RF with trauma-exposed justice-involved youth.

April 2019

  • PRYDe Lab is awarded a grant from the American Psychology and Law Society to study epigenetic markers of risk and resilience within justice-involved youth. This project will collect epigenetic data along with neuropsychological test data and psychopathology symptoms from 100 youth involved in the juvenile justice system. We hope to better understand how experiences such as child maltreatment and neglect may contribute to aggressive behavior and delinquency by modifying epigenetic mechanisms.
  • Six PRYDe undergraduates present at the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference. Great work, Briseyda, Deborah, Kaylee, Leigha, Liz, and Victoria!

March 2019

  • Kelsey Maloney is awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the TTU Graduate School for her dissertation project, "Neuropsychological Assessment and Comorbidities within Justice-Involved Youth."
  • Becca Bergquist received an Outstanding Student Poster Award from the American Psychology and Law Society for her project, "Examining Deprivation and Threat Dimensions of Trauma Exposure with Recidivism Outcomes and Risk Among Justice-Involved Youth."
  • Chelsy Simmons successfully defends her Master’s thesis entitled, "Executive Function, Intent to Exercise, and Consideration of Future Consequences: A Mediation Model."
  • Amber Benet is awarded the Covenant Health and Social Services Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Amber!

February 2019

  • PRYDe Lab students match for their clinical psychology internship. Congratulations to LeRoi, Jenny, and Allie! LeRoi and Jenny are heading to California (Monterey County Behavioral Health and the University of California Davis Medical Center) and Allie matched at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas.

October 2018

  • Jenny Chong is awarded a Graduate student Research Award from the TTU Graduate School. Congratulations Jenny!

July 2018

  • PRYDe Lab receives a grant to examine behavioral adjustment, risk, and resilience among preschoolers attending Head Start. This project will help us understand how parental risk and protective factors influence cognitive, pre-academic, and behavioral development within children attending Head Start. We will also examine if classroom management practices improve behavioral adjustment inside and outside of school.

May 2018

  • Kelsey Maloney is accepted into the TEACH Fellowship, a year-long intensive program focused on excellent teaching at the collegiate level.

April 2018

  • LeRoi Hill receives the Major General Vincent Luchsinger Scholarship.

March 2018

  • Three PRYDe undergraduate students present at the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference. Great work, Georgina, Jay, and Leigha!