Proposal Checklist
Use this checklist to work with your designated proposal analyst to facilitate planning, coordination, assembling, and successful submission of proposals for sponsored projects. Download a copy to save your progress through the list.
General Considerations
- Have the PI and other investigators read and understood the guidelines of the program
being applied to, including required deadline for proposal submission?
- Are the PI and other investigators eligible to apply to the funding program?
- Does the format of the proposal (page, font, order of proposal sections, etc.) conform
to program guidelines?
- Are all necessary attachments included (e.g., biographical sketches, certification
and assurances to be completed by ORS, etc.)?
- Is the PI familiar with the proposal submission method (sponsor electronic submission system, mailing considerations, etc.)?
- For federal, state, or non-profit sponsors, is the F&A rate mandated by the guidelines being used?
- For for-profit sponsors, is the University using the full, negotiated F&A rate?
- If No, an F&A waiver form must be completed.
- If No, an F&A waiver form must be completed.
- Are sponsor budget mandates followed (e.g., salary caps, prohibitions on purchase
of equipment, total request, etc.)?
- Is Cost Share required?
- Is any Voluntary Cost Share included?
- If yes to any of the previous two questions, has the cost share been reviewed and
approved by University Officials?
- If there are any subcontracts, do their budgets conform with the primary sponsor limitations
and requirements?
- Does the budget add up and match the budget justification?
External Collaborators
- Have all required proposal documents been provided by the external collaborator (e.g.,
budget, budget justification, biosketches, facilities, other mandatory documents)?
- Have appropriate administrative approvals been obtained from external collaborators
(e.g., subcontracts, third parties, etc.)?
- Is the role of each institution clearly stated in the proposal?
- Has a statement of work been provided from each institution?
Cost Sharing
- Cost Sharing commitments must be documented and tracked via Cayuse SP, email, letters,
additional documentation, and/or FOP numbers. Have cost sharing commitments been endorsed
by the appropriate TTU official?
- Have third party commitment letters been obtained, if applicable?
Space and Additional Funding Considerations
- Have requirements for space or specialized facilities (e.g., secure facilities) been
approved by the Department Chair, Dean, or Director to accommodate the proposed project?
- Other than for cost sharing, have requirements for internal commitment of funds been cleared with the Department Chair, Dean or Director?
Research Compliance Considerations
- If the project involves the use of human or animal subjects, has the Human Research Protection Program or the Animal Care and Use Committee been contacted?
- If the sponsor follows PHS/FCOI regulations, has the required Financial Conflict of Interest training and disclosure been completed by all key personnel?
- If the proposed project involves radioactive isotopes, recombinant DNA, or other hazardous
material, has the Environmental Health & Safety Office been consulted?
- If the project involves the use of export-controlled technology, have provisions been made to secure the necessary licenses?
- If the project involves classified or security sensitive research, has the TTU Facility
Security Officer been consulted? If not, please email Allie Matviko.
- If the project involves proprietary research, has the TTU Office of Research Commercialization been contacted?
Office of Research Services
Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3884 -