Texas Tech University

Nancy E. McIntyre, Fellow

Associate Director // Professor; Curator of Birds
STEM CORE // Biological Sciences

Email: nancy.mcintyre@ttu.edu

Dr. McIntyre earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Zoology at the University of Georgia, and her Ph.D. in Ecology at Colorado State University.  She did postdoctoral research in urban ecology at Arizona State University before joining the faculty at TTU in 2000.  Throughout her career, her research has examined how human activities affect the abundance, distribution, and extinction risk of animals by altering the spatial distribution of resources in heterogeneous and dynamic landscapes.  Of all the human activities that affect animals, land conversion (primarily for agriculture and urbanization) is the most intensive and cosmopolitan.  Her recent research has focused on how conversion of Great Plains wetlands has affected insects (dragonflies) and birds.  With both applied and basic research projects going on in her lab that dovetails with STEM education and museum science, her activities mesh research with teaching and outreach.

Dr. Nancy McIntyre