Texas Tech University

Oak-Hee Park, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor
Human Sciences

Oak-Hee Park has been conducting various research projects related to nutrition, food, health, and consumer behavior. Her current research areas are focusing on Nutrition Education, Food Environment, Public Health, Obesity Prevention, and Sustainable Food System. Dr. Park had worked on the East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood Grant funded by the United States Department of Education from 2013 to 2019. As a Co-PI, she established the first community-based family cooking program for underserved populations in Lubbock, Texas. She also conducts a food environment study in the Lubbock County using the NEMS-S and NEMS-R surveys, and has actively led an obesity prevention project (Sustainable Life Skills to Reduce Obesity) for adolescents at a Title I school to promote individual's self-efficacy about healthy cooking that may encourage adolescents to reduce risky eating behavior, leveraging body acceptance and mindful eating practices for the prevention of obesity. Currently, Dr. Park and her research team expand the obesity prevention project at rural Title I schools to educate next generation who will be a model for healthy lifestyle movement in rural communities in west Texas. Other ongoing research projects include “Sorghum: Opportunities as a Sustainable Crop for Human Consumption in the U.S.”, “Nutrition Bench-to-Community Engaged Scholars in Texas (Nutrition BEST) REEU Program”, “Ugly Fruits and Vegetables/Sustainable Food Systems Research”, and “College Student's Hunger, Resources and Recovery”.

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