Texas Tech University

#WhyNotMeSTEM Videos

Keynote Talks

Action item: After watching each keynote video, pause to reflect and answer the below questions.

1. What was the main message or take away from the presentation?

2. What is missing in this area? What are the next big questions in this area?

3. Identify 2-3 action stems to improve or expand upon this area of inquiry.

4. How can we be more innovative in this area? How can we boost and improve upon what is working?

5. How does what you learned relate to your positionality in STEM?


“Social Stereotyping and Prejudice in Childhood: Causes, Consequences, and Implications for Diversifying STEM” - Dr. Rebecca Bigler 


“Let's Start Now! Engaging Young Children with Disabilities in STEM” - Dr. Megan Vinh


“I Kinda Want to be That Exception: Recruiting and Retaining LGBTQ+ Students in STEM” - Dr. Bryce Hughes


Lightening Talks

Action item: After watching all the keynotes and lightning talks, think about the developmental aspects of STEM inclusion and culture. Think about the below:

1. Given what you learned throughout all the talks, and using your own knowledge base, what stood out to you as problems (deterrents) in STEM? What stood out to you as supports?

2. Based on your answer to the above question, what are some proposed interventions to address the deterrents?

3. Did you learn anything new about the roles that society, culture, family, and overall developmental trajectory play in STEM identity or engagement? Explain.

4. How does your proposed intervention (s) from above take into consideration development, relational (including families), and other contexts?

5. Taking stock of all the information covered by the virtual representation of this conference, what are 1-2 key takeaways?

6. How can you translate what was presented to your own field or position?


“Climbing the Grand Canyon of STEAM” - Jennifer Sanchez and Genevieve Villegas


“What You Need to Know About How Gender Stereotypes Push Girls Away From STEM” - Dr. Allison Master


“Why are Christians Underrepresented in Science, and Why Does it Matter?” - Dr. Kim Rios


“Making Space for Me: Counterspaces and STEM Identity” - Dr. Jessica Gottlieb


“Distancing, Minimizing and (Willful) Ignorance: How White Male Physicists Maintain Inequity While Believing They are Working for Change” - Dr. Melissa Dancy


“'From Accessible to Inclusive': Broadening Participation of Students with Disabilities in STEM.” - Dr. Nathan Moon


“Pathways to Scale: Considerations for Spreading Culturally Responsive STEM Programs” - Dr. Ashlie Denton


“MotherScholars in STEM: Walking the Line of Motherhood and Womanhood in STEM Disciplines” - Dr. Jessica Spott


If Not Me? Who?: A twenty year look at building equitable STEM  access to urban youth - Natasha Smith-Walker