Texas Tech University

Melanie Lindsey

Student Success Specialist

"A positive attitude can change even the bleakest moments in life.” 

Melanie Lindsey, Success Specialist

My passion is helping others. My role as Student Success Specialist allows me to serve, assist and guide students who may be struggling in a variety of ways while in college. In this position, my goal is to be able to provide students with assistance in finding the right campus resources for specific circumstances in order to help them succeed while at TTU; to be a liaison of sorts. Additionally, building trust with students is an important goal. Knowing I can have a positive impact on students is very rewarding and I do not take that lightly. 
I had the opportunity in a previous job to work with non-traditional students. Encouraging these adult students who were trying to balance family, work and school was a great experience. I have a lot of experience in customer service on many levels, and my many years as a mom affords me valuable skills that will be useful in working with students. 
I love watching movies and binge-watching television series (drama, sci fi, comedy). I also enjoy spending time with my children and grandchildren. And of course, there is my cat, Rascal.  
If I am not working because I am on vacation, my happy place is in a beach chair sipping on a cool beverage, reading a book while listening to the crashing waves of the ocean. Or on a cruise ship somewhere in the tropics. 



Years in Higher Ed


Years at TTU

Graduation Cap

Organizational Mgmt/Business

Ask me about:

What I was involved in during my undergrad.

I had the opportunity to really learn more about myself as a person. I was eager to explore various extra-curricular activities to find my place in the whole college experience. I joined a ladies’ social club where I served as President my second year. I was also part of a traveling chorus which allowed me to visit Hawaii for the first time. 
After struggling to find my “academic” footing the first few semesters, I managed to gain my bearings and was named to the Dean’s List my last few semesters before taking a sabbatical from school to marry and start a family. Returning as a non-traditional student was unique. I was much more focused and able to excel academically, graduating Cum Laude in 2003. 

My secret talent.

I can literally talk like Donald Duck. 

What I would be doing if I wasn't so great at my job.

I would absolutely be working as a travel agent. I love to travel and fortunately have been able to do so quite a bit already. But there are still so many places on my bucket list to visit in my lifetime, including Ireland/Scotland and Australia. It would be awesome to travel as part of my job requirements and get paid! 

The best piece of advice I've ever been given.

You get out of your life what you put into it. 

My Academic Journey

I changed majors 3 times as an undergraduate. I began as an accounting major because in High School, I did well in math and always enjoyed working with numbers. But accounting was a different story. I discovered within the first semester that I did not want to work that closely and intently with numbers! I found a new degree option in Home Economics with a minor emphasis in Business. Unfortunately, I did not complete my degree at that time. But I did return many years later and completed my BS in Organizational Management/Business. 

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My Background




Worked In College

Worked In College

Took Time Off

Time-Off During School



Drinking Coffee
Being Sarcastic
Organization Skills
Dance Moves