Texas Tech University

Stella Brito Zaragoza, MPhil

Human Resource Development

Email: stella.zaragoza@ttu.edu

Photo Description

Current Position

Ms. Zaragoza is an adjunct instructor in the Human Resource Development area for the University Studies program. She earned her undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems at Texas Tech University (TTU) with a minor in Spanish. She earned a master's degree in Management with an emphasis in Human Resources Management at Wayland Baptist University. She earned a Master of Philosophy degree from Walden University and is currently working on attaining her PhD in Management with an emphasis on Leadership and Organizational Change from Walden University. As a Programmer Analyst at TTU, she currently supports the student information system (SIS) application for TTU K12, ticketing issues and reporting requests applicable to TTU K12.


By teaching in the Human Resource Development program at TTU, Ms. Zaragoza is gaining online teaching experience on the very topics that motivate her to research via her PhD journey – human resource management, organizational behavior, performance appraisals, performance ratings, critical social theory, social cognitive theory, transformative knowledge, and psychological contract theory, cognitive distortion, ethics, leadership, fairness of interpersonal treatment, leniency psychometric error, and positive social change.


Ms. Zaragoza has been working at TTU for the past 24 years. On a personal level, she has a son who keeps her busy with his four pet dogs, and a daughter and a husband who has three children - two in high school and one in middle school. There is a 15-year difference between Ms. Zaragoza's son and daughter, which contributes to interesting conversations and lots of laughter year-round. She enjoys reading, writing, researching, and traveling. She is a big fan of Texas Tech athletics. Guns up! 


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