Permit Costs
2024-2025 Academic Year Rates
Faculty & Staff
Parking Space | Months | Cost | Monthly Deduction | Semi-Monthly Deduction |
Surface Reserved Space | 12 | $875.00 | $72.91 | $36.45 |
Surface Area Reserved | 12 | $263.00 | $21.91 | $10.95 |
Garage Reserved Space | 12 | $1,321.00 | $110.08 | $55.04 |
Garage Area Reserved | 12 | $691.00 | $57.58 | $28.79 |
Commuter North | 12 | $249.00 | $20.75 | $10.37 |
Commuter West | 12 | $230.00 | $19.16 | $9.58 |
Satellite | 12 | $131.00 | $10.91 | $5.45 |
Parking Space | Months | Costs |
Residence Hall | 9 | $263.00 |
Flint Ave Garage |
9 12 |
$517.50 $689.50 |
Raider Park Garage | 9 | $143.00 |
Commuter North | 9 | $162.00 |
Commuter ICC | 9 | $162.00 |
Commuter West | 9 | $143.00 |
Commuter Satellite | 9 | $44.00 |
Evening Commuter | 9 | $44.00 |
Motorcycle |
9 12 |
$66.80 $87.00 |
Summer Surface | 3 | $87.00 |
Summer Garage | 3 | $172.00 |
Law/Vet | 12 | $263.00 |
Law/Vet | 9 | $203.23 |
Law/Vet Summer | 3 | $59.77 |
Park and Pay
Parking Space | Period | Cost |
Surface | Hourly | $1.50 |
Surface | Daily | $9.00 |
Garage | Hourly | $1.50 |
Garage | Daily | $9.00 |
Temporary Permits
Permit Type | Period | Cost |
Reserve Space | Weekly | $16.82 |
Surface Area | Weekly | $5.05 |
Garage Reserve | Weekly | $25.40 |
Garage Area | Weekly | $13.28 |
Commuter North | Weekly | $4.90 |
Commuter West | Weekly | $4.33 |
Commuter Satellite | Weekly | $1.33 |
Residence Hall | Weekly | $7.96 |
Flint Avenue Garage | Weekly | $15.68 |
Raider Park | Weekly | $4.33 |
Motorcycle | Weekly | $2.02 |
Remote Campus | Weekly | $2.27 |
Summer | Weekly | $8.70 |
Summer Garage | Weekly | $17.20 |
L21 Summer | Weekly | $6.56 |
L21 | Weekly | $5.97 |
Permit Refunds
Prorated weekly based on start and end of term |
Transportation & Parking Services
MS 43161, Administrative Support Center, Room 145, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409-3161 -
806.742.7275 -