Texas Tech University

Parking During Breaks and Holidays

Parking During Thanksgiving Break and Spring Break

Determined by the dates on TTU Official Publications' academic calendars, residence hall and commuter spaces are free, open parking from the first day of the break until 7:30 a.m. the Monday following the break. All other areas function as posted on signs.


Parking During Christmas Break

Beginning the day after the last final and ending the day before residence halls reopen, residence hall and commuter spaces are free, open parking. From the day residence halls reopen until 7:30 a.m. the day the spring semester starts, commuter lots are free, open parking. All other areas function as posted on signs.


Parking During Official TTU Employee Holidays

Official TTU holidays are days in which the university is closed as listed through TTU Human Resources and employees are not on duty. On these days, commuter, employee, and park-and-pay spaces are free, open parking. Avoid 24-hour spaces, such as R19 Service Vehicle, and ADA, for those who still require building access, especially in case of emergencies.