Bikes For Cites
Have a bicycle you aren't using anymore? Donate it to Transportaton and Parking Services and receive a free citation dismissal through Bikes for Cites!
Bicycle donations assist the department with abandoned bicycle collections and beautifying campus. Donated bicycles in working condition or needing minor repairs will be used for the annual TPS Bike Sale.
Dates and Locations for Drop Offs
May 8-19, 2023
Drop off at Transportation and Parking Services during business hours.
407 Flint Ave
7:30am-5:30pm M-F
Donated bicycles must be adult-sized bicycles, have all parts (including pedals, chain, etc.), and you must be able to prove ownership of the bicycle through one of two ways: (1) the bicycle is registered to you through TPS bicycle registration, or (2) bring your lock with your bicycle and demonstrate you have the key or combination to the lock.
Only one citation dismissal may be awarded. Citations 16 (parking in a space or area designated for persons with disabilities without the proper insignia), 17 (blocking an access ramp or curb cut designated to aid persons with disabilities), and 18 (display or use of a lost, stolen, forged, revoked, or altered decal or license plate) are not included for the offer.
If you have any questions, please contact (806) 742- PARK or
Transportation & Parking Services
MS 43161, Administrative Support Center, Room 145, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409-3161 -
806.742.7275 -