Texas Tech University

Vendors and Contractors

Vendors and contractors who are not Texas Tech University employees can receive parking accommodations to help make deliveries on campus or reach their temporary on-campus job site. To request vendor or contractor parking, please fill out all blanks in the form below and hit submit when finished. TPS sends a confirmation email upon submission of the request. After TPS reviews your request, a TPS representative contacts you regarding your request.

Contractor/Vendor Request Form
Enter the name of the company.
Select a distribution method from the drop-down list.
Select the Permit's Duration from the drop-down list.
Enter the primary address.
Enter the secondary address (leave blank if none).
Enter the City
Select a state from the drop-down list.
Enter the Zip Code.
Enter the number of cars.
Please enter the following information in for each vehicle that needs a dash pass: License Plate #; State; Make; Color;Style. If you have temporary plates, be sure to list your vehicle Identifation number (VIN).
Example: We have a contract to do routine maintenance at the Student Union, and need to park in service parking.

Primary Contact Information:

This person will serve as the primary contact between University Parking Services and your company. This is the person we will contact should any issue arrive.

Enter your First Name.
Enter Your Last Name.
Enter your Job Position.
Enter your Phone Number. (Ex: XXX - XXX - XXXX)
Enter your Phone Extension. (Only if available. If not, leave blank)
Enter your Email Address.

Secondary Contact Information:

Secondary contact information is optional.

Enter your secondary First Name.
Enter your secondary Last Name
Enter your secondary Job Position.
Enter your secondary Phone Number. (Ex: XXX - XXX - XXXX)
Enter your secondary phone extension.
Enter your secondary Email.

Supporting Documentation

Supporting documentation is optional. If you would like to submit supporting documentation you can email us at parking@ttu.edu, please reference the company you are submitting the document for.  Or you can fax your supporting documentation to (806)742-3458 using a company letterhead to verify your affiliation.  Please send to the attn. of "Contractor/Vendor Permit".

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