Texas Tech University

Employee Dependent Parking

Full-time Texas Tech University Sytem employees who have a valid TTU ePermit can receive a free Commuter Satellite ePermit for dependents. The following requirements must be met:

  • Dependent must meet the definition of the employee's spouse or dependent child as stated by the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §152(c).
  • Dependent must be enrolled as a full-time student at Texas Tech University
  • Dependent must not have any unpaid citations or be identified as a scofflaw by TPS
  • Employee must be a benefits-eligible, full-time employee of the Texas Tech University System
  • Employee has been employed at least four and a half months before the first day of class
  • Employee has a valid TTU parking permit and no unpaid citations or outstanding payroll deductions


Please fill out all blanks in the form below and add all dependents where requested. When finished adding your dependent(s), click "Submit." You will receive a confirmation message on this page upon submission of your request. After your request is reviewed, you will be contacted concerning your request.

Please list the Dependent's First Name, Last Name, and relationship to the Employee.
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