Residence Hall Parking
Each residence hall complex on the Texas Tech University campus has a parking lot or lots nearby with a limited number of e-Permits eligible for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. Only students living in that complex may purchase an ePermit for their complex's lot. Each residence hall lot is reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week for that lot's ePermit holders.
Residence Hall Surface and Garage Parking Options
Two lots off 8th and Akron make up the parking of Z1 ePermit holders.
Portions of four lots comprise Z2 parking.
One lot off 19th and two off 18th make up the Z3 parking area.
Z4 contains one large lot off Hartford and 18th and a small lot off Flint and 18th.
More than 700 spaces in three lots are available for Z5 ePermit holders.
Two lots off Flint hold parking for Z6 ePermit holders.
(West Village)
Directly north of West Village, residence access Z7 at the light at Texas Tech Parkway
and Indiana Avenue.
Flint Avenue Parking Facility
Guaranteed covered parking in an easily accessible garage near a busy part of campus.
Where can I park with my residence hall ePermit?
- Your permitted lot (Z#)
- Designated Rec Center parking spaces for up to two hours free of charge
- Commuter lots when your permitted lot is full
- Park-and-pay areas after 5:30 p.m. at no cost
Is garage parking available?
Yes. The Flint Avenue Parking Facility, located on the southeast corner of 18th Street and Flint Avenue, has spaces available for purchase for students living on and off campus and Texas Tech employees. This ePermit provides parking in the following areas:
- Guaranteed covered parking in the Flint Avenue Parking Facility
- Designated Rec Center parking spaces for up to two hours free of charge
- Commuter lots if the garage is full (not anticipated)
- Park-and-pay areas after 5:30 p.m. at no cost
This ePermit does not include parking in a residence hall surface parking lot.
How much is a residence hall ePermit?
See Permit Costs.
What if my lot is sold out?
- Purchase an ePermit in the closest commuter parking lot to your residence hall. If you need help selecting the closest commuter lot or the closest commuter lot is sold out, please contact us.
- Add your residence hall lot to your wait list. Adding to a wait list comes at no cost.
- When your name reaches the top of the wait list, you receive an email notifying you of your status and asking if you'd like to move into your wait-listed lot. The email contains instructions for accepting or rejecting the offer.
How do I get from my residence hall to my classes?
Students can walk, bike, or ride a bus to reach their destination on campus. Only employee, service, and other authorized vehicles may drive past entry stations and into the heart of campus weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
How do I avoid parking citations?
The most frequent residence hall ePermit citations the Enforcement Division sees are parking in other residence hall lots, parking in service vehicle or R19 zones and spaces, and parking over posted time limits. See more information about why citations are issued on our Enforcement page.
Transportation & Parking Services
MS 43161, Administrative Support Center, Room 145, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409-3161 -
806.742.7275 -