Texas Tech University

Park Hunger

Park Hunger Image

Donate items for Texas Tech's Raider Red's Food Pantry that at least equal the value of your unpaid citation and have your citation dismissed!

In partnership with Raider Red's Food Pantry, Park Hunger allows those who have an unpaid Texas Tech parking citation to bring items to donate to RRFP to the Transportation and Parking Services office in exchange for a citation dismissal.

Items to donate include shelf stable items such as tomato sauce, ramen noodles, cereal, canned and bagged beans, rice, canned vegetables, soup, mac & cheese (boxes and cups), Hamburger Helper, pasta, canned protein such as tuna, chicken, spam, etc. Some personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, and paper towels are also needed. 

Dates and Locations

May 8-19, 2023
Transportation & Parking Services Office
407 Flint Avenue, Suite 145
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.


Items donated must be new, unused, and unexpired and equal at least the value of the citation to be dismissed. A receipt for the items is needed for verification. Only one citation dismissal may be awarded. Citations 16 (parking in a space or area designated for persons with disabilities without the proper insignia), 17 (blocking an access ramp or curb cut designated to aid persons with disabilities), and 18 (display or use of a lost, stolen, forged, revoked, or altered decal or license plate) are not included for the offer. Monetary donations to Raider Red's Food Pantry cannot be accepted.