Submit Event
Any function on campus that requires parking or special transportation needs to make arrangements with Transportation and Parking Services. From events as small as interviewing one job candidate or hosting a guest speaker to those as large as Red Raider Orientation or the Lady Raider Basketball Education Day game require planning for TPS. This ensures guests have plenty of ease in parking and finding their location, permit holders are not unexpectedly displaced from their lots, and that planned travel routes on campus are safe and able to accommodate school buses or other vehicles.
*** To register for your event, fill out the form below at least two weeks before your event. Submissions received fewer than 7 days prior to the event may not allow sufficient time to accommodate your parking request.
After submitting the form, TPS sends a confirmation email and a TPS representative contacts you to set up your event and make accommodations for your guests. (less than seven days, may not be able to accommodate your parking request.
For any questions, please contact the Office of Event Parking and Guest Relations at (806) 742-PARK (7275) or
Transportation & Parking Services
MS 43161, Administrative Support Center, Room 145, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409-3161 -
806.742.7275 -