Texas Tech University

Reaching Audiences: Exploring Opportunities in Hispanic Media and Market Research

Juan Faura Juan Faura is a nationally recognized and published expert on the US Hispanic culture. Juan began his career in research, specializing in the Hispanic culture in the US as well as Latin America. He engineered the multicultural practice at Cheskin and founded Cultura, a Hispanic marketing communications firm, which he sold to Omnicom in 2008. Since then, Juan has broadened the scope of his interest in the Hispanic culture beyond marketing and is now researching, writing and consulting in the areas of politics, social media and entertainment. His primary interest in the Hispanic marketing communications arena currently lies in analysis, evolution and innovation. Over his career he has spoken to more than 200,000 Hispanics across the full range of socioeconomic, country of origin, educational and language fluency spectrums. Juan published two books on marketing to Hispanics, The Whole Enchilada: Hispanic Marketing 101 and Hispanic Marketing Grows Up/Asi Viene el Sandwich (That's the way the sandwich comes.) A former head of Nike's Hispanic marketing called Juan the ‘Serpico' of the Hispanic market. His approach to cultural communications is unconventional, but always completely based on the latest on-the-ground insights.

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