Texas Tech University

Elizabeth McDaniel


Distinguished Staff Awards 2014 Recipient Image: Elizabeth McDaniel - Office of International Affairs

Elizabeth McDaniel
Interim Senior Director
Office of International Affairs

Since the start of spring 2014 semester, Elizabeth has worked tirelessly at two jobs. She has not only taken over all the duties of her predecessor, she has also stepped into an interim role that transitioned while she held it to encompass not only Study Abroad but Enrollment Management as well. During a time of growth and change in the Office of International Affairs, she has made it her goal to support her study abroad counselors and has kept their spirits high in order to lead her team in to a bright tomorrow. Elizabeth is a proud member of the Texas Tech family and promotes our university both at home and abroad. During the mandatory pre-departure orientation sessions, she instills in all departing students their obligation to represent their university with honor while abroad.