Texas Tech University

Colby Helms


Distinguished Staff Awards 2023: Colby Helms Hospitality ServicesColby Helms
Associate Managing Director
Hospitality Services

Hospitality Services was assigned the responsibility of managing and overseeing football gamedays for the 2023 football season. As a result, “Heights of Victory” was created and Colby quickly stepped into the leadership role for this new venture. He devised a plan with the stadium team to address food and service issues that needed immediate attention. He quickly set out the same way he leads Top Tier Catering with a strong sense of professionalism, leveraging his culinary expertise, continuous learning and adapting, collaboration throughout all areas of the various teams, a positive attitude, and a commitment to service excellence. Colby sets an example that motivates and inspires others and contributes to the overall success and reputation of Top Tier Catering. Colby's creative and innovative approach to working with the event planner and culinary team has garnered acclaim and satisfied the diverse needs of the many clients we serve. He stays up to date with the latest industry trends, incorporating them into the catering offerings to provide fresh and exciting experiences. His efforts to consistently support and deliver delicious and visually appealing cuisine has contributed to Top Tier Catering's reputation as a premier catering service for Texas Tech University and the Lubbock community.