Texas Tech University

Lynn Karnavas

Executive Administrative Assistant
TTU School of Law

Lynn Karnavas serves as the Executive Administrative Assistant for Associate Deans Alison Myhra,and Victoria Sutton providing administrative support and maintaining their calendars. She also manages the front office in Administration.

Lynn has been with the law school since December 2006 in the Office of Admissions and then moving to the Dean's Office in the Spring of 2007 to serve as the Executive Administrative Assistant to Dean Walter Huffman and the Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. Following Dean Huffman's retirement, Lynn was the Executive Administrative Assistant to Interim Deans Richard Rosen and Susan Saab Fortney and Dean Darby Dickerson until December 2011. She has also provided administrative support for Associate Deans Nancy Soonpaa, Brian Shannon, Wes Cochran, Calvin Lewis and Jarod Gonzalez.  

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