FSL Awards
The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life is excited each year to host the annual FSL Awards Process and Ceremony. The FSL Awards are a time to celebrate all of the achievements that chapters have had over the past year. Chapters are encouraged to use the standards listed under each category as a best practices guide to aid in planning, goal setting, and general chapter operations. Fraternity & Sorority Life will recognize those chapters that demonstrate excellence in meeting these standards.
2024 FSL Awards Training Video: https://youtu.be/gC2qAaYFEA0
2024 FSL Awards - Chapter Award Submission Form: https://forms.gle/NQSQbLeCzPpt5iZv6
2024 FSL Awards - Individual Award Submission Form: https://forms.gle/3DM7n7HZrpus8WZA9
2024 FSL Awards Packet: FSL Awards Packet
FSL Awards Categories:
Chapter Awards:
Academic Achievement Program of the Year
Clay R. Warren Risk Education Program of the Year
Developmental Program of the Year
Philanthropy and Civic Engagement Program of the Year
Community Collaboration Program of the Year
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Program of the Year
Wellness Program of the Year
Individual Awards:
IFC Member of the Year
MGC Member of the Year
NPHC Member of the Year
CPH Member of the Year
Advisor of the Year
Community Builder Award
Emerging Leader Award
Helping Hand Award
FSL Awards Guidelines:
Each category submission will be scored by outside fraternity & sorority life professionals. Every category will contain an application that requires you to upload documentation or a written response that corresponds with the application criteria statements. Each category is worth a total of ten points. The submissions will be evaluated using a rubric with a scale of 1-10.
- Below is the scale of the Judge Scores:
- Below 5 points = Below Expectations
- 5-6 points = Achieved Expectations
- 7-8 points = Excellent
- 9-10 points = Outstanding
- Below are the expectations of the FSL Awards Process:
- Applications must be submitted via the online form
- All submissions are due no later than 11:59pm CST on February 2nd, 2025.
- Late applications will not be evaluated
- A winner for each award category will be selected for each council in the FSL Community
- Chapters that receive an excellent or outstanding score will be recognized with a certificate
- In order to be eligible for Chapter Awards, the chapter must be in good standing with the inter/national organization, council, and the university
- The evaluation period for recognition will be the 2024 calendar year
- Any activity, program, etc., which occurred from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, will be counted toward the standards.
- Applications must be submitted via the online form
FSL Awards Timeline:
Primary Contact for FSL Awards:brobarke@ttu.edu or alexis.ortiz@ttu.edu
Deadline for Chapter and Individual Awards: 2/02/2025
Chapter and Individual Awards Application Review: 2/03/2025 - 3/05/2025
FSL Awards Ceremony: 3/31/2025
Purpose of FSL Awards:
These awards are meant to celebrate our chapter's accomplishments as well as help them to see areas of growth.
These awards will also help our chapters to report their success back to their inter/national
organizations and allow the office staff to write letters of good standing to the
organization that more accurately depict the achievements of the chapter.
2023 Awards Winners
Join us in congratulating our 2023 FSL Award winners!
Academic Achievement Program of the Year:
CPH - Zeta Tau Alpha
IFC - Beta Upsilon Chi
MGC - Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
Clay R. Warren Risk Education Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Delta
IFC - Theta Chi
MGC - Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Developmental Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Delta
IFC - Phi Delta Theta
MGC - Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Philanthropy & Civic Engagement Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Kappa Gamma
IFC - Phi Delta Theta
MGC - Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
NPHC - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Community Collaboration Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Delta
IFC - Phi Delta Theta
MGC - Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Delta
IFC - Phi Delta Theta
MGC - Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
NPHC - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Wellness Program of the Year:
CPH - Kappa Delta
MGC - Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
NPHC - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter of the Year:
Kappa Delta
Advisor of the Year Award:
Winn Sikes, Alpha Chi Omega
Community Builder Award:
Riley Weaver, Delta Gamma
Helping Hand Award:
Casie Veiseth, Clinical Mental Health Graduate Student
Emerging Leader:
Nikkolas Osuna-Cabral, Delta Alpha Omega Multicultural Fraternity, Inc.
CPH Member of the Year:
Emma Foster, Delta Gamma
IFC Member of the Year:
Zealand Davis, FarmHouse
MGC Member of the Year:
GaYeon Kim, Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
NPHC Member of the Year:
Jolea Jacob, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Texas Tech University, Student Union Building 024, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2403 -