Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Geomorphology
The department has a long history of robust research in sedimentology and stratigraphy. Studies in sedimentology and stratigraphy include field studies of depositional setting, sequence stratigraphy, and physical sedimentology of clastic and carbonate systems in the Cretaceous of Big Bend National Park, Permian carbonate rocks of the Guadalupe Reef Complex, Permo-Traissic strata in the southern High Plains and adjacent New Mexico, and Paleozoic strata throughout the midcontinent.
Research in geomorphology includes study of landscape evolution in arid and arctic environments, bed-rock river response to tectonics, and landform evolution as documented through LiDAR analysis.
Faculty: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Dr. Dustin Sweet, carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentology, depositional systems, sedimentary basins, paleoclimate.
Faculty: Geomorphology
Dr. David Leverington, geomorphology and surface processes in arid and arctic environments.
Dr. Jeff Nittrouer, geomorphology with particular emphasis on components of river systems, includign channels, floodplains and deltas.
Dr. Aaron Yoshinobu, bedrock river response to tectonics and surface evolution of icy satellites.
Research Facilities
Contact individual faculty.
- GEOL 3301 Geomorphology
- GEOL 4201 Field Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- GEOL 3325 Sedimentary Petrology
- GEOL 4327 Depositional Systems and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 4331 Digital Imagery in Geosciences
- GEOL 5322 Sedimentary Processes
- GEOL 5341 Digital Imagery in Geosciences
- GEOL 5420 Geological Correlation
- GEOL 5422 Sedimentary Geology of Carbonates
- GEOL 5424 Clastic Sedimentology
- GEOL 5426 Sequence Stratigraphy
Geology and Geophysics
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3102 -