Texas Tech University

Early Majors Field Trip

A huge thank you to the Pevehouse Family Foundation for funding some of our field initiatives for 2022 & 2023!  

We have been able to purchase high quality camping gear for student use and we are able to run a 4-day Early Major Field Trip trip. 

Over Spring Break 2023, our first-year students and new majors went to the Sacramento Mountains, Valley of Fires and Whites Sands National Park!

White Sands 2023

Over Spring Break 2022, our freshman and new majors will travel to New Mexico and Arizona to see outstanding geology at State and National Parks and Monuments. We hope this is the beginning of a long tradition.

Carlsbad Caverns, Valley of Fire State Park, Petrified Forest National Park, Sunset Crater  Volcano National Monument, Grand Canyon National Park

group early majors

Grand Canyon