Texas Tech University

Rural Childcare Center Application

The Coalition for Natural Learning (CNL) is looking for 9 rural childcare centers interested in receiving complimentary design services and a $2,000 Kickstarter to improve their outdoor play and learning space. Selected centers will receive a complimentary design plan, the kickstarter funds, resource information, and implementation guidance for an outdoor learning environment. There are examples of previous designs provided to childcare centers on the Projects page. Designs accommodate all levels of budgets and sizes of outdoor spaces. There is no such thing as too small a project or a budget. Centers must fill out this form to be considered for complimentary services, which are awarded on a limited basis. Email Lori Guerrero at l.guerrero@ttu.edu with questions about the CNL Rural Communities Outreach Program.

Childcare centers must be within these qualifying counties:

  • Cochran
  • Concho
  • Crane
  • Irion
  • Kimble
  • Presidio
  • Reagan
  • Reeves
  • Schleicher
  • Sterling
  • Upton
  • Ward

Design Plan Example

Participation benefits:

  • A $2,000 Kickstarter toward construction of the outdoor learning and play space
  • A complimentary community presentation that can serve as staff development ($100 value for the center)
  • A complimentary design workshop and landscape design ($3,000 value for the center)
  • A complimentary phasing plan, resource information, and ongoing technical support
  • A complimentary lunch for the design workshop participants ($100 value for the center)

Participation responsibilities:

Selected centers will allow the Texas Tech Coalition for Natural Learning:
  • to host a one-hour community presentation about the health and wellness benefits of outdoor learning environments.
  • to host a five-hour participatory design workshop which also serves as a focus group to learn about the barriers and needs of rural childcare centers.
  • collect the participants' identifiable information such as the participant's name, location, age, educational background, household income, and work experiences which will be privately collected, declassified, kept confidential, and not published.

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Texas Tech Coalition for Natural Learning

  • Address

    College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162
  • Phone

    (806) 742-3031
  • Email
