Designer Network Resources
The Designer Network Resources are only available to Trained OLE Designers who have completed the training requirements and are members of the Designer Network.
Workshop Kit
The aim of the Workshop Kit is to walk individuals through the OLE! Texas process for designing and implementing outdoor learning environments. Trained OLE Designers are expected to read and reference the OLE! Texas Designer Guide often, while using the Workshop Kit as a supplemental document. The kit is not meant to be a "one-size-fits-all" check-list that will accommodate every design workshop. Each workshop is nuanced and designers need to expect flexibility to accommodate the needs of the particular center at each workshop.
Stakeholder Survey
This version of the Stakeholder Survey can be filled out electronically, or printed and filled out as paper copies. The aim of the Stakeholder Survey is to measure the play setting preferences amongst the stakeholders prior to the design workshop. Examples of stakeholders are parents, educators, administrators, and anyone else who will be using and maintaining the outdoor learning environment.
Play Settings Notebook
The aim of the Play Settings Notebook is to prompt conversation about the variety of play settings possible in outdoor learning environments. It is limited in its application as it is not a comprehensive catalog of every play setting possible, but it is very helpful to begin the brainstorming discussion during the participatory, interactive design process. It is organized to reinforce the Best Practice Indicators, an essential evidence-based design strategy of OLE! Texas.
Texas Tech Coalition for Natural Learning
College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162 -
(806) 742-3031 -