Texas Tech University

Student Projects

Natural learning environments are benefitial in many different applications and are benefitial to a variety of users. These projects have been created by students in various programs such as Interior Design, Environmental Design, and Landscape Architecture. Their projects integrate natural learning into a variety of research and design specialities such as:


Health and Wellness through Natural Learning

Sustainable Practices through Natural Learning

Diversity and Inclusion through Natural Learning

Child Development through Natural Learning 


To learn more about these projects, click on the images below:


Health and Wellness through Natural Learning

Kalie Brettmann's example of an OLE used in a pediatric setting  Reem Bagais's example of healthy living  Kalie Brettmann's example of a veteran community living center with a connection to the outdoors 


Sustainable Practices through Natural Learning 

Project Coming Soon  Project Coming Soon  Project Coming Soon


Diversity and Inclusion through Natural Learning

  IDEC Competition Winner - Tree of Life  IDEC Competition WinnerKalie Brettmann's example of a connection to the outdoors used in a behavioral health setting


Child Development through Natural Learning 

Reem Bagais's example of outdoor environments for children's social development  Rana Bazaid's example of a sensory garden for children with autism  Project Coming Soon

Texas Tech Coalition for Natural Learning

  • Address

    College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162
  • Phone

    (806) 742-3031
  • Email
