Microsoft Teams
The hub for teamwork in Office 365
Invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are.
- Get Teams: download on your desktop and mobile, now!
- Microsoft Teams help & learning: including self-help and live, online classes for free
- Microsoft Teams for Education Quick Start Guide (PDF): from setting up a virtual class meeting to creating assignments, this quick start guide will get you up and running in no time
- Live and on-demand Teams Education webinars: covering best practices for remote and online classrooms, research, and staff collaboration
- Run effective meetings with Microsoft Teams (live, instructor-led): Learn to manage the end-to-end meeting process within Teams
- Join the Remote Learning Community: connect with educators, IT, and Microsoft Experts
Watch how Dr. Kellermann and his students used Microsoft Teams to transform their teaching and learning experience and develop a more collaborative classroom.
Using Microsoft Teams and AI, Dr. David Kellermann, lecturer in the school of engineering at the University of New South Wales, has more than enhanced the experience of his students — he's transformed the classroom and learning experience, while creating a community of learners.
Microsoft Teams University: for educators, students, and researchers:
- How educators collaborate effectively in real-time, cut down on emails, share teaching resources and increase student engagement in their courses
- See how students use one hub across collaborating in their course, managing their on-campus jobs and creating community as part of student life
- Conduct research with colleagues outside of your institution with enterprise grade security
- Visit Microsoft Teams University
- General Overview: IT Resources for Remote Productivity
- NEW: Technical Resources for Recording Lectures
- eLearning: Emergency Transitioning to an Online Class
- Connecting to TTU Resources Remotely
- Tips for a Secure & Successful Online Learning, Teaching, or Working Experience
- Online Meetings and TTU Voice Service
- Online File Storage
- IT Security and Network Connectivity
- Internet Connectivity Options
- Email Access
- Technology Hardware
- Campus-Wide Communications
- Computer Labs for Students
- Obtaining IT Assistance
Information Technology Division
Texas Tech University, Office of the CIO, Box 42008, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806-742-5151 -
© 2025 Texas Tech University
Oct 24, 2023 11:52 AM