General Overview: IT Resources for Remote Productivity
Function | Technology Resource | Description & Features |
Business Operations, Academic Operations | Raiderlink Student Portal |
Online Course Delivery | Blackboard Learning Management System | Online course delivery – eLearning aids with migrating course content and creating
a BB course
Communication and Engagement | Confluence Wiki Sites | Asynchronous posting used for collaboration in business operations and academic instruction, similar to a blog |
Online Content Delivery - Video | Sonic Foundry Mediasite Video - Lecture Capture |
Academic, Business Live Communications | Microsoft Teams or Blackboard Collaborate Video/Audio Conferencing |
Document creation, sharing, collaboration, and access. | OneDrive for Business or TechShare File Storage and Access |
TTU Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint |
Microsoft Teams (powered by SharePoint Online) |
Software needed to perform institutional business and operations | Site Licensed Software – virtualized or available for download |
Learning and Teaching Tools | Computer-based Training - Technology |
- General Overview: IT Resources for Remote Productivity
- NEW: Technical Resources for Recording Lectures
- eLearning: Emergency Transitioning to an Online Class
- Connecting to TTU Resources Remotely
- Tips for a Secure & Successful Online Learning, Teaching, or Working Experience
- Online Meetings and TTU Voice Service
- Online File Storage
- IT Security and Network Connectivity
- Internet Connectivity Options
- Email Access
- Technology Hardware
- Campus-Wide Communications
- Computer Labs for Students
- Obtaining IT Assistance
Information Technology Division
Texas Tech University, Office of the CIO, Box 42008, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806-742-5151 -