Texas Tech University

Sport Medicine


18 hours

KIN 2195, *KIN 2196, *KIN 2197 Sports Medicine Practicum - I, II, III

KIN 3323 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

**KIN 3339 Rehabilitation Concepts & Special Topics in Athletic Training

^KIN 3346 Anatomical Kinesiology 

^^KIN 4337 Evaluation and Intervention of the Lower Quarter (fall semester only)

^^KIN 4338 Evaluation and Intervention of the Upper Quarter (spring semester only)

Prerequisites for Minor

*KIN 2196 = C or better in KIN 2195; *KIN 2197 = C or better in KIN 2196

**KIN 3339 = C or better in ZOOL 2403 Human Anatomy & Physiology I

^KIN 3346 = C or better in ZOOL 2403 and KIN 1301 Introduction to Kinesiology

^^KIN 4337 & KIN 4338 = C or better in KIN 3339 and KIN 3346

Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management

  • Address

    Box 43011, Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
