2023 Texas ASLA
Merit Award
Bandelier National Monument:
Rising Through the Ashes
Bandelier National Monument is located near the Santa Fe National Forest in New Mexico. Established in 1916 as a National Monument, Bandelier has an incredibly rich history within the NPS. But the site's history extends far beyond the origins of the NPS. Bandelier's Frijoles Canyon was formed millions of years ago with volcanic tuff, and was home to one of the earliest recorded communities in North America, the Ancestral Pueblo. The site is extremerly complex not only because of the archaeological significance but also the amount of human interaction over time in one location. The canyon has been touched by many significant events and time periods; it host structures from the 1700s all the way thorugh the development of the atomic bomb in the 1950s. Such a complex and layed history requires a delicate approach to preservation; however, it is even further complicated by environmental crises in the form of wildfires and climate change. There have been several devastating fires in Bandelier, destroying huge amounts of damage not only to the ecosystem but cultural artifacts as well. The intention of this project is to create a space that is responsive to not only environmnetal concerns but also a site's historical and cultural complexity. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this project reinvigorates an aging trail system and visitor center while fortifying the landscape against disaster, all without sacrificing user experience --the essence of landscape design.
Anna Jenkins, DoLA
Landscape Architecture
2904 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2858 -