Student Organizations
The Undergraduate Philosophy Club is a student driven group that regularly gets together for events such as movie nights or philosophical topic discussions. For more information, contact Jeremy Schwartz at
As stated in its constitution the Philosophy Graduate Student Association was formed "to promote a general interest in philosophy on the Texas Tech Campus; to advance the tradition of friendship, community, and intellectual rigor within the philosophic community at Texas Tech; and to maintain an environment supportive of those Texas Tech graduate students who wish to further their career in philosophy." Each student enrolled in the philosophy graduate program at Texas Tech is a member of PGSA.
Tech MAP is the Texas Tech University Department of Philosophy's chapter of an international organization run by grad students to promote diversity in the field of philosophy. We host talks, film screenings, reading groups and discussion about issues related to race, gender, disability, sexual orientation and non-Western philosophy. We plan to organize several talks and a reading group throughout the year. For more information, contact Chris Hom at
Department of Philosophy
Box 43092, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3092 -
806.742.3275 | Fax: 806.742.0730 -