Grad Student Travel Grants
The Humanities Center of Texas Tech offers support to graduate students to present their own humanities research at national and international conferences. Grants up to $1000 dollars may be used for travel expenses in compliance with University policy. These grants will be provided as a reimbursement for costs incurred by students related to conference travel.
There will be two rounds of competition for 2024-2025. The deadlines are:
- September 13th (For conferences between 09/01 and 12/31)
- January 6th (For conferences between 01/01 and 04/30)
To apply, please send a conference abstract describing the work to be presented, official notice of acceptance from conference organizers, a brief narrative statement explaining the value of this travel to the applicant's professional goals and/or research/creative agenda (maximum 300 words), and a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) to
Fall 2022 Graduate Student Travel Grant Awardees
Spring 2023 Graduate Student Travel Grant Awardees
Humanities Center
Texas Tech University, 2508 15th Street, Weeks Hall 221, Lubbock, TX 79409-1002 -
806.742.3028 -