Mini Grants
The Humanities Center offers up to $300 to campus entities (centers, departments, programs) to support lectures, events, or other endeavors supporting humanistic inquiry at Texas Tech. The Center is committed to supporting existing humanities endeavors on campus without privileging any single department or program.
Applications will be adjudicated by a committee of Board members. Send requests in the form of an email with any accompanying materials in a single PDF. State the name, date, place, time, and anticipated audience for your event. If the event is a talk, it cannot be solely for a class but must be open to the university community.
Recipients of mini-grants must credit the Humanities Center in all publicity materials, announcements, and programs, whether printed, electronic, or orally delivered. Priority will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate support already in hand from their departments or programs or other sources.
Send requests to In the subject line, put the sender/requester's last name and mini-grant and the semester for which the grant is requested (e.g., Rowley mini-grant FA2019). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Humanities Center
Texas Tech University, 2508 15th Street, Weeks Hall 221, Lubbock, TX 79409-1002 -
806.742.3028 -