Texas Tech University

Working Group for 2022-2023: Digital Humanities

Introducing the new Working Group for 2022-2033: Digital Humanities

The Digital Humanities Working Group seeks to grow and develop TTU's institutional capacity to support digital humanities work and collaboration, to support faculty research that uses DH, and to strengthen TTU's reputation as a hub for digital humanities scholarship. We will study existing programs and labs at other institutions, identify and bring together resources already in existence at TTU, strengthen members' DH skills and knowledge, develop a DH community on campus, support current DH projects already in place here, and foster the initiation of new projects. By helping to connect faculty and resources across campus currently ensconced in individual faculty offices or siloed away behind departmental and/or institutional structures, we hope to make possible digital collaboration between historians, librarians, literary scholars, sociologists, art historians, media scholars, musicologists, and many more.

Digital Humanities Group Members:

Marta Kvande is Associate Professor of English at Texas Tech University, specializing in eighteenth-century British literature, the history of the novel, and the history of the book. She has published on Chrysal and mediation; on The Female American; on Charlotte Lennox's Harriot Stuart and the secret history of the Western; and on print and manuscript cultures in Eliza Haywood's Fantomina and Samuel Richardson's Clarissa. Her book project traces how the novel used depictions of print culture and of manuscript culture to generate cultural and literary authority for itself as an emerging genre in the long eighteenth century. She created and published Restoration Printed Fiction, an online, searchable database of metadata relating to fiction published 1660-1700.


Abigail SwingenAbigail L. Swingen is Associate Professor in the Department of History. She specializes in early modern British, European, and Atlantic World history. She is the author of Competing Visions of Empire: Labor, Slavery, and the Origins of the British Atlantic Empire (Yale, 2015), and is currently working on a book manuscript on the cultural and political significance of Britain's Financial Revolution of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Her work has been funded by the Huntington Library, the Beinecke Library at Yale University, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. For three years, she served as Associate Vice President for Research in the Office of Research & Innovation



Wyatt PhilipsWyatt D. Phillips is an associate professor of Film and Media Studies in the English Department at Texas Tech University. His work primarily engages questions of the political economics of media production and circulation. He has written on the economics of Classical Hollywood, the rise of drive-in theaters, and early film adaptations. Two co-edited collections, on American Independent Cinema and on Camp TV of the 1960s, are forthcoming in early 2023. His book project considers the historical relationship between turn-of-the-century business culture and the significance of genre in early Hollywood. The sales catalogs which were critical aspects of the film trade at that time form the basis of his current DH project, as he hopes to turn these into searchable documents that can lend additional insight into the business of marketing those earliest films. 


Matthew JohnsonMatthew Johnson is Associate Professor of History. He specializes in post-1945 U.S. history, with an emphasis on social movements, mass incarceration, and higher education. His first book, Undermining Racial Justice: How One University Embraced Inclusion and Inequality, explores how University of Michigan officials co-opted movements for racial justice from the 1960s to the 21st century. He has been involved in numerous digital history projects, including phillyhistory.org.





Heidi Winkler

Heidi Winkler is an Associate Librarian for Digital Services. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A., English, in 2010, and a M.S., Information Studies, in 2012. She has been with the Texas Tech Libraries since 2012, where she curates the ThinkTech Institutional Repository Faculty Research Collection and manages Raider Digital Publishing, Texas Tech's open educational resource publishing platform. Her current research interests include open access publishing, increasing research equity, and digital library pedagogy. She recently served as a member of the editorial team of the Digital Library Federation's #DLFteach Toolkit Volume 2: Lesson Plans on Immersive Pedagogy.