Alquist Lab
Selected Publications
(full copies of many of these publications are available through researchgate)
Martin, H.K.,* Stinnett, A.J.,* Rodriguez, J.E.,* Holmes, H.,*, Alquist, J.L., & Uziel, L. (2023). Locked down and divided: Political orientation moderates the effects of considering a future lockdown. Current Psychology. Advanced Online Publication. Doi:10.1007/s12144-022-04208-2
A.J., Stinnett* & Alquist, J.L. (2022). Distinguishing free will from moral responsibility when measuring free will beliefs: The FWS-II. Philosophical Psychology. Advanced Online Publication.
A.J. Stinnett* & Alquist, J.L. (2022). Consider the tumor: Brain tumors decrease punishment via perceptions of free will. Philosophical Psychology. Advanced Online Publication. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2022.2052830
Uziel, L., Price, M., & Alquist, J.L. (2022). Desire for self-control and task performance: A plan is key. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1011559.
Vohs, K. D., Schmeichel, B. J., Lohmann, S., Gronau, Q., Finley, A. J., Alquist, J.L., Wagenmakers, E.-J., & Albarracín, D. (in press). A multi-site preregistered paradigmatic test of the ego depletion effect. Psychological Science.
Rodriguez, J. E.*, Holmes, H. L.*, Alquist, J. L., Uziel, L., & Stinnett, A. J.* (2021). Self-controlled responses to COVID-19: Self-control and uncertainty predict responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology, 1-15.
Uziel, L., Baumeister, R. F., & Alquist, J. L. (2021). What makes people want more self-control: A duo of deficiency and necessity. Motivation Science.
Rice, L., Alquist, J. L., Penuliar, M., Donato, F. V., & Price, M. M. (2021). Engaging Students in a Research Methods Writing Lab Online. Teaching of Psychology, 48(1), 18-25.
Alquist, J. L., Baumeister, R. F., Tice, D. M., & Core, T. J*. (2020). What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Uncertainty Impairs Executive Function. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Alquist, J. L., Price, M. M., Hancock, D., Talley, A. E., & Cukrowicz, K. (2019). Exposure to negative stereotypes impairs older adults' self-control. Self and Identity, 18(2), 217-226.
Mitchell, S. M., Cukrowicz, K. C., Roush, J. F., Brown, S. L., Alquist, J. L., Bolaños, A. D., & Poindexter, E. K. (2019). Thwarted interpersonal needs and suicide ideation distress among psychiatric inpatients: The moderating role of criminal associates. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 63(12), 2138-2156.
Alquist, J. L., & Baumeister, R. F. (2019). Foraging extends beyond food: Hoarding of mental energy and information seeking in response to uncertainty. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42.
Alquist, J. L., Baumeister, R. F., McGregor, I., Core, T. J.*, Benjamin, I., & Tice, D. M. (2018). Personal conflict impairs performance on an unrelated self-control task: Lingering costs of uncertainty and conflict. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 74, 157-160.
Core, T. J.*, Price, M. M., Alquist, J. L., Baumeister, R. F., & Tice, D. M. (2018). Life is uncertain, eat dessert first: Uncertainty causes controlled and unemotional eaters to consume more sweets. Appetite, 131, 68-72.
Hohman, Z., Hudson, D., Williams, R., Harris, B., Alquist, J., Mitchell, D., & Price, M. (2018). The Impacts of Stress on Economic Decisions. Available at SSRN 3249793.
Hurst, A. C., Alquist, J. L., & Puts, D. A. (2017). Women's fertility status alters other women's jealousy and mate guarding. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(2), 191-203.
Parent, M. C., & Alquist, J. L. (2016). Born fat: The relations between weight changeability beliefs and health behaviors and physical health. Health Education & Behavior, 43(3), 337-346.
Alquist, J. L., Ainsworth, S., Baumeister, R. F., Daly, M., & Stillman, T. F. (2015) The makings of might-have-beens: Effects of belief about free will on counterfactual thinking. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 268-283[JA1] .
Baumeister, R. F., Alquist, J. L., & Vohs, K. D. (2015). Illusions of learning: Irrelevant emotions inflate judgments of learning. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28, 149-158.
Littlefield, A. K. & Alquist, J. L. (2014). Greater clarity with consilience: Testing causal models across methodological approaches. European Journal of Personality, 28, 394-395.
Alquist, J. L., Ainsworth, S. & Baumeister, R. F. (2013). Determined to conform: Disbelief in free will increases conformity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 5, 432-443.
Crescioni, A. W., Ehrlinger, J., Alquist, J. L., Conlon, K. E., Baumeister, R. F., Schatschneider, C. & Dutton, G. R. (2011). High self-control predicts positive health behaviors and success in weight loss. Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 750-759.
Baumeister, R. F. & Alquist, J. L. (2009). Is there a downside to good self-control? Self and Identity, 8, 115-130.
Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -