Tuition and Financial Assistance
For current tuition information please go to
Financial Support
We guarantee 12 months of half –time funding (20 hours per week) and are hopeful this will continue. However, this may be affected by future budgetary changes. Scholarships are competitive. Most years all first year students receive a $1000.00 scholarship which waives most of their out-of-state tuition and fees. University employee benefits, including high-quality health insurance, are also available to those students with half-time assistantships.
During the past few years, the Graduate School has increased the number of competitive fellowships that are available to entering graduate students. Many of our applicants have qualified for these awards. For more information, visit the graduate school's Fellowships & Scholarships page.
Teaching and Research Assistantships
Students must have 18 credits of graduate work before they can teach courses for assistantships. Therefore, during their first year in the program, most students assist faculty with their teaching duties. Chances to assist with faculty teaching responsibilities are also available for students beyond their first year. During their second year in the program, most graduate students begin teaching sections of the Introduction to Psychology course (PSY 1300). Qualified graduate students are selected to teach upper-level departmental undergraduate courses. Teaching upper-level courses, such as Personality (PSY 3306), Developmental Psychology (PSY 4301), Abnormal Psychology (PSY 4301), or Drugs, Alcohol, and Behavior (PSY 4325), can further enrich and augment the training that graduate students in our program receive.
The department includes several other employment opportunities for graduate students. Several counseling doctoral students have been employed to assist the department's Undergraduate Advisor in the task of advising our large group of undergraduate majors. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn some aspects of vocational counseling, although not in the context of a therapy relationship. Students who have some practicum experience are eligible to apply for Co-Director positions within the department's Psychology Clinic. Typically, four to six counseling and clinical doctoral students are employed as Co-Directors and are responsible for assisting with the administration and daily operations of the clinic. Various other paid positions in the department include coordinating the student-taught PSY 1300 General Psychology sections and working as a research assistant for various faculty.
Even though many students receive teaching assistantships through their fourth year in the program, many others choose to pursue psychology-related employment in other settings after they gain initial practicum experience. Students are employed at a variety of settings that include the Department of Probation, the VA Medical Center, and the Athletic Department. They provide assessment, program evaluation, and therapy services. Other students have been employed by the Health Sciences Center and the TTUHSC Cancer Center. Students also have been employed with various local psychologists in rehabilitation, hospital, and school settings. The amount of program-related teaching and training experiences in which students can be employed is a major strength of our training program.
The Counseling Psychology Program has made the necessary changes to be in compliance with Texas Senate Bill 17 regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. More information can be found here.
Link to APA Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data
Public Disclosure: Professional Licensure by State
The Texas Tech University Counseling Psychology Program is required to publicly disclose to prospective and currently enrolled students whether our program meets the education requirements for licensure or certification for all 50 states, District of Columbia, and specified U.S. territories. Our program is responsible for determining whether our academic program meets applicable state education requirements for professional licensure or certification. See the TTU Counseling Psychology Program's Professional Licensure by State Table.
Additional Information that May Be of Interest to Prospective Students
APA Accredited, Next Review: 2033
Contact Information for Accrediting Association:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Phone: 202-336-5979
Fax: 202-336-5978
Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -