Mike C. Parent, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida, 2013 (Counseling Psychology, APA-Accredited)
Internship: University of Akron Counseling Center (APA-Accredited)
B.A. (honors), University of Manitoba, 2007 (Psychology)
Phone: (806) 834-2487
Fax: (806) 742-0818
Office: 210, Lab: 451C-D
Email: michael.parent@ttu.edu
CV: July 2016
Lab site: https://gsbhlab.wordpress.com

Conformity to Masculine/Feminine Norms Inventory
If you are requesting permission to use the CMNI-46 and/or CFNI-45, I am happy to provide these instruments to interested researchers and clinicians. There is no cost for these measures. Please include in your request:
- Your name, affiliation, and educational status (undergrad, grad student, faculty, etc.)
- Your experience using measures such as the CMNI-46 or CFNI-45 in research or clinical contexts; if you are an early career learner please provide the name of your mentor and her or his experience using such measures.
- For research, a brief description of the project including population sampled and other measures or procedures administered.
- For clinical application, a brief, unidentifiable description of the intended application.
Item Analysis Alpha
If you are interested in obtaining the syntax to run available item analysis Cronbach's alpha, please find the SPSS syntax here. For non-SPSS users or users who are unable to use syntax, I have created an excel spreadsheet that allows for AIA Alpha to be calculated manually, here, and instructions here.Research Interests
My research interests focus on the intersections of gender, sexuality, and behavioral health. Most of my present work focuses on motivations for anabolic-androgenic steroid use among men; delineation of use versus abuse of anabolic steroids; and behavioral factors surrounding HIV testing. I also have interests in research on professional training and research methods.Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -