Terminal Masters
The master's programs are designed to provide a basic graduate level education in psychology, methodology, and one area of specialization. The program aims to educate individuals for research positions in a variety of settings.
In the master's programs, students and faculty work together, particularly through on-going, active collaboration in research. The programs function on an apprenticeship model in which students conduct research under faculty supervision.
In addition to coursework, all candidates for an M.A. degree must complete the written and oral presentation portions of a research requirement, or complete and defend a formal thesis.
Despite variation in the time it takes students to complete the M.A. degree, the typical student starting with an undergraduate degree in psychology can expect that it will take approximately one-and-one-half to two years. The programs are designed for full-time students, but exceptions are sometimes considered.
The number of students admitted into the terminal master's degree program is limited. If you are interested in applying to the terminal master's program, please email the faculty you intend to apply to work with about your application.
The terminal master's degree in the Experimental Psychology Division requires 38 credit hours. A formal thesis is optional, but a research project of equivalent scope must be completed.
Department of Psychological Sciences Statistics Requirements
- PSY 5480 Experimental Design
- PSY 5447 Advanced Correlational Methods and Factor Analysis
Department of Psychological Sciences Core Requirements
Students take 2 courses, a total of 6 hours, in each of the following core areas:
- Social bases of behavior
- Cognitive bases of behavior
- Application/Human Factors
Experimental/Statistics Psychology Elective Requirements
Students take 4 additional courses, a total of 12 hours, that are either (a) courses taught by experimental faculty, or (b) statistics courses.
Free Electives
Students take 2 graduate level courses, a total of 6 hours, in any area of psychology or any other field.
A minimum of 6 hours of enrollment in PSY 6000/7000. Even after meeting the PSY 6000/7000 requirement, students must be continuously involved in research.
Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -