Testing Accommodations FAQ
Table of Contents
- Who is eligible for special testing accommodations?
- How do I get tested to see if I have a learning disability?
- Am I required to have tests proctored in the Testing Center, or can my instructor make these arrangements within his or her department?
- I am registered with Student Disability Services. What do I need to do to arrange to take tests in the Testing Center?
- What accommodations are available in the Testing Center facilities?
- Other Questions
Who is eligible for special testing accommodations?
Any Texas Tech student with a documented disability may register with Student Disability Services in Room 130 Weeks Hall. Their phone number is (806) 742-2405. They will evaluate each students documentation and determine accommodations for which each student is eligible. If necessary, they may direct the student to take diagnostic tests necessary to evaluate eligibility. Academic Testing Services will provide only those accommodations which have been authorized by Student Disability Services.
How do I get tested to see if I have a learning disability?
Contact Student Disability Services in Room 130 Weeks Hall for more information about learning disabilities. Their phone number is (806) 742-2405.
Am I required to have tests proctored in the Testing Center, or can my instructor make these arrangements within his or her department?
If your instructor can make the appropriate arrangements for your testing needs, then he or she does not need to send you to the Testing Center. When this is impractical, however (owing to limitations of space or supervisory personnel), instructors may send their students to take their tests in Academic Testing Services' West Hall facilities.
I am registered with Student Disability Services. What do I need to do to arrange to take tests in the Testing Center?
At the earliest opportunity, you should obtain a “Testing Accommodations Request” from either Academic Testing Services or Student Disability Services, or click link to print a blank form. Fill in the Student information at the top and get your instructor to fill in the Class and Instructor information at the bottom of the form. Then, bring this form to the Academic Testing Services in 214 West Hall.
You must turn in a separate “Testing Accommodations Request” for each class in which you need accommodations and will need to complete new forms each semester.
After turning in the necessary form(s), please notify us at least five business days in advance of any test you will need to take here. If you miss this deadline, please reach out to us to discuss your options. You may contact us by email (testing.accommodations@ttu.edu), in person (214 West Hall), or by telephone (806.742.3671). You may, of course, schedule farther in advance.
What accommodations are available in the Testing Center facilities?
Subject to your eligibility to receive accommodations, the following are available:
- Extended Time on tests (up to twice the length of the normal class period)
- Test Reader
- Test Scribe
- Enlargement of testing materials
- Accessible Seating
- Use of a Computer
Other Questions
Please telephone or email if you have any other questions regarding disability accommodations issues.
Steven Martin or Vickie Zapata
Academic Testing Services
214 West Hall
Academic Testing Services
Academic Testing Services, Texas Tech University, West Hall, Room 214, Mail Stop 5002, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3671 -