Texas Tech University

Davis College Water Center


Ogallala Aquifer

Ogallala Aquifer saturated thickness snapshots comparing 1975 to 2015.

Drone Image

Drone image showing a center pivot on a cotton field that was ready to plant.

Wildlife Management

Wildlife management scholars on snowy plains ready for deer capturing.

TAWC field day

TAWC field day, educational talk to local producers.

wild bison

Wild bison grazing rangeland on Southern High Plains.

playa lake

Urban playa lake over-flooded towards urban concrete road after rainfall event.

field measurements

Natural ecology scholars doing field measurements.

crop irrigation system

Helpful Links

Mission Statement

The Davis College Water Center serves as a focal point for information exchange pertaining to grant opportunities, meetings, education, research, and policy issues related to water use, conservation, and analysis in rural, urban, and natural environments.