Texas Tech University

Submit Confirmation of Graduation

This is required for all students graduating at the end of the current semester. Please review your DegreeWorks to ensure you have an Expected Graduation Term of this semester. Also, review your DegreeWorks to confirm all items are met to complete your degree. This is indicated by a green checkmark  next to the requirement (indicates coursework is completed to meet this requirement) or a blue half circle   (indicates courses are in progress to complete this requirement). If the requirement has a red circle   next to it, this means the requirement has not been met. Please contact your academic advisor immediately to confirm the missing requirement before submitting the Graduation Confirmation.

  1. Log into Raiderlink
  2. Click the MyTech Tab
  3. Under Action Items (Middle of Page), Select Undergraduate: Confirmation of Graduation

Submission to Graduate in Raiderlink image