Texas Tech University

Values Culture

On September 1, 2023, the Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts began a collective journey to pinpoint and establish a set of shared values during a two-day summit. The Values Summit, attended by more than 50 faculty, staff, and students, aimed to collaboratively define shared values, providing guiding principles that every member could embrace and use as a foundation for daily accountability. The summit members outlined and defined these core principles, articulating the behaviors associated with each value. Subsequently, many participants gathered from across the college to participate in town hall meetings to collectively review and fine-tune the messaging surrounding these identified values.

Through this dedicated teamwork, the Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts has distilled its core principles into five share values: Curiosity, Principled Conduct, Sense of Community, Creativity, and Care.

Download TCVPA Shared Values Flyer



Fostering the pursuit of life-long learning

  • Inspire artistic innovation through intentional questioning
  • Commit to openness, self-reflection, and new perspectives
  • Cultivate a brave space for experimentation
  • Nurture your passion


Upholding a high standard of personal behavior

  • Practice accountability for your work and actions
  • Define and implement shared standards in fair and consistent ways
  • Listen to understand; respond with humility and mindfulness
  • Approach endeavors with integrity and courage
  • Apply ethical reasoning
  • Provide constructive and supportive evaluation


Sharing purpose and direction

  • Encourage meaningful collaboration and engagement
  • Connect with communities through the arts
  • Cultivate mutual respect
  • Facilitate access and opportunity


Generating ideas, enriching perspectives, and seeking solutions

  • Embrace challenges, risk-taking, and resiliency through artistic pursuit
  • Approach problem-solving in an open-minded manner that draws from varying perspectives
  • Explore, inquire, reflect, and respond
  • Recognize the value of experimentation and trust the process


Creating sustainable and nurturing environments

  • Practice empathy, allyship, stewardship, and self-care
  • Model compassion, generosity, honesty, and openness
  • Manage resources to allow all to flourish
  • Advocate for health, safety, and education of others' well-being on campus and beyond

Guided by the leadership from the Texas Tech University System, the TCVPA followed the process of moving toward a Values Culture organization.