School of Art
Pre-College Immersion Program
Pre-college immersion program
June 9, 2025 – June 13, 2025
Registration Coming Soon!
Texas high school students become Red Raiders for a week during the School of Art Pre-College Immersion Program. Be a MAKER, THINKER, and DOER!
The School of Art Pre-College Immersion Program offers high school students an immersive college experience in the fine arts. During this weeklong program, students will experience first-hand what it means to be a Red Raider studying the Fine Arts. Students will live in the dorms, participate in extracurricular art activities, and take various Fine Art workshops, all in an atmosphere of university instruction. Our workshops offer students opportunities to learn new artmaking techniques through multiple mediums taught by talented TTU artists. Further, students become connected to current professional insights regarding the vibrant opportunities available to future professionals working in the Fine Arts.
Program Information
Date: June 9-13, 2025
Location: Texas Tech University, School of Art, Lubbock, TX
High School Grade Requirement: Open to all high school students entering 9th – 12th grades
Early Bird Registration - $700.
After Early Bird Registration - $750
This price includes all classes, materials, dorms, meals, snacks and afterhours activities.
If paying with a credit card, a $25 handling and processing fee will be added.
Areas of concentration:
- Traditional painting
- Jewelry design
- Ceramics
- 2D Animation
We are thrilled to reflect on the immense success of our 2023 Pre-College Art Immersion Program that took place June 2023. Each year, we witness unprecedented creativity, talent, and passion from the 40 students who enroll, making it one of our most successful programs.
Highlights of the 2023 program included our immersive art workshops. These workshops covered various artistic disciplines, from 3D animation to jewelry making, printmaking, and 3D paper. Students had the opportunity to learn these new artistic disciplines, gaining invaluable insights and hands-on experience by creating their work.
One of the program's most memorable moments is our end-of-program reception and exhibition. This event showcases the extraordinary artwork made by our students during the program. The exhibition is a testament to our student's hard work, dedication, and creativity, and it is a joy to see their artistry celebrated by their friends and family.
For more information email questions to: soa.camp@ttu.edu.
Registration Coming Soon!
Scholarship Information
If you would like more information on Scholarship Information, please see the Consideration for Scholarship Support form.
School of Art
3010 18th Street | Box 42081, Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
806.742.3826 -