Pre-Med, Pre-Health
Considering A Career In Medicine or Health?
Pre-Health and Pre-Law are career path options at Texas Tech. Undergraduate students will choose a major and receive guidance on the specific requirements of professional schools from an advisor.
Pre-Med and Pre-Health
Any major is acceptable to medical schools and health professional schools as long
as students satisfy admission requirements. Although pre-health professions students
tend to be concentrated in a few disciplines (biochemistry; biology; chemistry; engineering;
kinesiology; and psychology), recent research demonstrates that the non-science major
not only has an equal opportunity for admission to medical school, but also performs
at the same level as the undergraduate science major.
Call or e-mail: Samantha K. Smith, Recruiter or |
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College of Arts & Sciences
Texas Tech University, Box 41034, Lubbock, TX 79409-1034 -
806.742.3831 -