Texas Tech University

East Lubbock Mobile and Telehealth Outreach Clinic (ELMO) Grant

What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA is a researched based service that focuses on teaching skills and reducing problem behavior by implementing evidence-based practices. For more information, please see the following resources:

What We Do

The East Lubbock Mobile and Telehealth Outreach Clinic for Autism (ELMO) grant offers free applied behavior analytic (ABA) services to families with children with either a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or a school eligibility of autism who live in the state of Texas. This service is for families of children of any age. This grant focuses on the East Lubbock area; however, services are provided to families across Texas.

Two services are offered:

  1. Parent Implemented Intervention (PII): Families get one-on-one training that is customized to fit their child’s and their own needs.
  2. Group Parent Trainings: Families join group workshops to learn about behavior tips, strategies, and resources.


To receive FREE Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Live in the state of Texas
  • Child of any age with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    • Medical diagnosis provided by a doctor, or
    • Educational eligibility provided through a school district

Parent Implemented Intervention:

Parent-Implemented Intervention (PII) focuses on parent education and support. This service helps parents learn how to use specific behavior techniques with their child who has autism. After the ELMO team completes the assessments, parents will receive one-on-one training from professionals on a specific intervention designed for their child. It includes practice with roleplay and real-time coaching while parents work with their child. Upon conclusion, the team will provide a recommendation for next steps.

Families may participate in services through the ELMO grant by signing up for either in-person services to take place at the Burkhart Center clinic or telehealth services. Telehealth services will use computers, mobile devices, and video to connect with families living in Texas regardless of their distance from Lubbock. Families will engage with Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and clinic staff to provide parent implemented intervention and resources. The convenience of this service is to help families that have no specialist in their area or limited availability to travel.

Sign up for these services

Group Parent Trainings 

Group Parent Trainings are group workshops designed for families and caregivers of children with autism, regardless of age, who may not have access to high-quality training resources. These workshops can be in person or through telehealth technology. They will be held in Lubbock and across Texas, in collaboration with Education Service Centers throughout the state. The training focuses on behavioral needs commonly associated with autism and is tailored to address the specific needs of each region.

Please send us an email to request a group parent training near you:mobile.burkhartclinic.educ@ttu.edu

Contact us:

  • Phone – (806) 742-4561
  • Emailmobile.burkhartclinic.educ@ttu.edu
  • Address – The Burkhart Center for Autism Education & Research, Texas Tech University, 2902 18th St., Lubbock, TX, 79409


Data collected as part of the intake, assessment, and intervention components of the services provided to you and your child will provide information to possibly be used for research purposes. If you choose not to include your information as part of the research component of our project, you can still receive services through our program, but we will exclude your information from statistical analysis and retroactive records review. For more information about your data and how it will be used, contact mobile.burkhartclinic.educ@ttu.edu

*This project is made possible by a grant funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

**Information obtained through participation in this project may be used for research purposes