Texas Tech University

Classics Courses


Current Courses

Undergraduate Courses: Fall 2024

CLAS 2302: Classical Mythology
- Section D01: Online Asynchronous, Dr. Popescu
- Fulfills: Language, Philosophy, and Culture Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education)

CLAS 2303: Sport and Public Spectacles in the Ancient World
- Section D01: Online Asynchronous, Dr. Popescu
- Fulfills: Language, Philosophy, and Culture Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education), Multicultural Requirement (University)

CLAS 2304: The Ancient World: Prophets, Warriors, Poets
- Section 001: T/Th, 11:00am-12:20pm, Dr. Popescu
- Fulfills: Language, Philosophy, and Culture Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education)

CLAS 2305: Ancient Technology
- Section 01: T/Th, 12:30-1:50pm, Hybrid, Dr. Witmore
- Fulfills: Social and Behavioral Sciences Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education)

CLAS 3320: World of Greece
- Section S01: T/Th, 12:30-1:50pm, Hybrid, Dr. Freeman
- Fulfills: Language, Philosophy, and Culture Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education), Multicultural Requirement (University)

GRK 1301: A Beginning Course in Ancient Greek I
- Section 001: 12:00-11:50pm, MWF, Dr. Janzen

GRK 2301 [CLAS2301]: A Second Course in Ancient Greek I
- Section 003: 11:00-11:50am, MWF, Dr. Lavigne
- Contributes to the Fulfillment of: Foreign Language Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education)

GRK 4000: Individual Problems in Ancient Greek:
- Section 001: Dr. Lavigne
- For more information, please contact the professor.

LAT 1501: A Beginning Course in Latin I
- Section 001: 9:00-9:50am, MWF, Hybrid; Dr. Janzen, Samuel Barnes, Talitha Threatt
- Section 002: 10:00-10:50am, MWF, Hybrid; Dr. Janzen, Colton Levi
- Section 003: 11:00-10:50am, MWF, Hybrid; Dr. Janzen, Zachary McVey, Jackson Slahta

LAT 2301: A Second Course in Latin I
- Section 001: 9:00-9:50am, MWF, Hybrid, Dr. Zinn
- Contributes to the Fulfillment of: Foreign Language Requirement (College of Arts and Sciences CORE/General Education)

LAT 4300: Individual Problems in Latin: Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche
- Section 001: 9:30-10:50am, T/Th, Dr. Zinn
- For more information, please contact the professor.

Graduate Courses: Fall 2024

CLAS 5305: Seminar in Language Studies: Latin Prose Survey
- Section 001: 2:00-3:20pm, T/Th, Hybrid, Dr. Bishop

CLAS 5309: Studies in Literature and Culture: Survey in Greco-Roman History and Archaeology
- Section 001: 2:00-4:50pm, W, Dr. Witmore

CLAS 5313: Topics in Classics: Ancient Magic
- Section 001: 3:00-4:50pm, T/Th, Dr. Freeman

GRK 5340: Greek Poetry: Tragedy
- Section 001: 2:00-4:50pm, F, Dr. Larmour

LING 5322: Theoretical and Research Foundations of Second Language Teaching
- Section 002: 4:00-6:50pm, M, Dr. Janzen

Upcoming Courses

Spring 2025, TBA


Summer 2025, TBA


Undergraduate Courses

The Classics Program typically offers a regular rotation of undergraduate courses, such as:

Classical Civilization Courses (in English translation)
- CLAS 2302: Classical Mythology
- CLAS 2303: Sport and Spectacles in the Ancient World
- CLAS 2304: The Ancient World: Prophets, Warriors, Poets
- CLAS 2305: Ancient Technology
- CLAS 2335: Archaeologies of the Ancient World
- CLAS 3315: World of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
- CLAS 3320: World of Greece
- CLAS 3330: World of Rome
- CLAS 3340: Gender and Sexuality in the Classical World
- CLAS 3350: Comparative Mythologies
- CLAS3360: Ancient Cities
- CLAS 4310/4300: Seminar in Classics / Research In Classics (topics vary; see below)

Ancient Greek Language Courses
- GRK1301: A Beginning Course in Ancient Greek I
- GRK1302: A Beginning Course in Ancient Greek II
- GRK 2301: A Second Course in Ancient Greek I
- GRK 2302: A Second Course in Ancient Greek II
- GRK 4310/4300: Advanced Ancient Greek / Individual Problems in Ancient Greek (topics vary; see below)

Latin Language Courses
- LAT1501: A Beginning Course in Latin I
- LAT1502: A Beginning Course in Latin II
- LAT2301: A Second Course in Latin I
- LAT2302: A Second Course in Latin II
- LAT4310/4300: Advanced Latin / Individual Problems in Latin (topics vary; see below)

Several of our undergraduate courses are on special topics that change regularly and offer students a wide range of signature learning opportunities. Recent examples include:

CLAS4310/4300, Seminar In Classics/Research In Classics:
- Ancient Magic
- Animals in Ancient Thought
- Archaeology, History, and Classics
- Byways of Classical Mythology
- Hispania: The Making of a Roman Province
- Odysseus and Odysseys
- Plagues and Perceptions in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Social Media in the Ancient World
- Sorrows of the Roman Arena

GRK4310/4300, Advanced Ancient Greek/Individual Problems in Ancient Greek:
- Plato

LAT4310/4300, Advanced Latin/Individual Problems in Latin:
- Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche
- Lucretius
- Latin Letter Writers
- Martial and Pliny
- Romans in Britain: Caesar, Tacitus, Bede

Many of our courses contribute towards graduation requirements as well as to our majors and minors; for details, please see the TTU Course Catalogue and your Academic Advisor. For more information about the frequency with which these courses are typically offered, please contact the Classics Undergraduate Advisor (see below for email).

Graduate Courses

The Classics Program typically offers a regular rotation of core graduate courses, such as:

  • CLAS 5305, Seminar in Language Studies (in rotation): 
        • Greek Prose Survey
        • Greek Poetry Survey
        • Latin Poetry Survey
        • Latin Prose Survey 
  • CMLL 5302, Theoretical Foundations: Methods of Literary Criticism
  • CMLL 5309, Studies in Literature and Culture: Archeological Survey / Survey in Greco-Roman History and Archaeology
  • LING 5322, Theoretical and Research Foundations of Second Language Teaching

Several of our regularly offered graduate courses focus on specialized topics that vary; these offer students a wide range of learning opportunities, in addition to those of our core courses. Recent examples include:

  • CLAS 5311, Classical Art and Archaeology
        • Mediterranean Mobility and Connectivity
        • Rural Life in the Roman World
        • Work in the Roman World
  • CLAS5315, Topics in Classics
        • Ancient Magic
  • GRK 5340, Greek Poetry: 
        • Epigram
        • Lyric to Hellenistic
        • Lyric Tradition
        • Prometheus Bound and Euripides
        • Tragedy
  • LAT 5310, Seminar in Latin Literature: 
        • Cicero, Horace, and Ancient Literary Criticism
        • Latin Satire
        • Latin Didactic Poetry
        • Lucretius: Poetry and Philosophy


Honors Courses

Classics regularly offers courses through the TTU Honors College, specifically for its students. See the Honors College for more information.

* Some alterations to this schedule are possible.

** Course descriptions are provisional, and supplement those in the TTU Course Catalog.

*** For more information about how these classes contribute to the fulfillment of the Classics major and minor degree plans, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Pamela Zinn.

*** For more information about how these classes contribute to the fulfillment of the Classics MA degree plan, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Caroline Bishop.

CMLL Classics

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
