Graduate Student Research & Awards
Every year our graduate students are encouraged to develop and pursue their research through conferences, symposia, digs, summer courses, publications, and a variety of other avenues. Students are also encouraged to seek awards and funding at the university level, as well as externally. Below, we recognize their hard work and achievements.
Conference Presentations
Alex Claman
"The Avenging Mother: Essun, Clytemnestra, and Inter-generational Trauma in N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth Trilogy." Annual Meeting of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, Albequerque, NM, February 20-23, 2019
"A New Rome: Constantinople as the New Imperial Capital." Annual Meeting of The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 3-6, 2019
Sherry Huang
"Solon and His People: Afterlife of Archaic Political Personage in Late Democratic
Athens." Annual Graduate Student Conference, University of Pennsylvania, April 26,
Melissa Velpel
"The Development and Migration of Dionysian Cults around the Ancient Mediterranean."
Ohio State Classics Graduate Colloquiem, the Ohio State University - Columbus, February
22-3, 2019
"Administrative Greek in Ptolemaic Egypt: Power and Prestige from Linguistic Capital." Annual Meeting of The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 3-6, 2019
Summer Digs & Courses
Yesenia Brambila
American School of Classical Studies Summer Seminar: Greece From the Sea, June-July
Alex Claman
The Sinis Archaeological Project (Sardinia), and The Goat Island Archaeological Project
Maurice Gonzalez
Michigan Humanities Emerging Research Scholars Program (MICCHERS), June 2019
Katherine Gruber
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Summer Session, June-July 2022
Melissa Velpel
Apollonia Pontica (Sozopol, Bulgaria), the Balkan Heritage Field School
Publications & Theses
Alex Claman
"The Avenging Mother: Essun, Clytemnestra, and Inter-generational Trauma in N.K. Jemisin's
Broken Earth Trilogy." Strange Horizons, 22 July, 2019.
Jared Gaum
"Euergetism and Augustan Spectacular Space." Texas Tech M.A. Thesis, 2019.
Alex Claman
Conference Travel Funding, CMLL and the Graduate School, Texas Tech University, 2019;
Manson A. Stewart Travel Award, CAMWS, 2019
Katherine Gruber
Hill Scholarship, ASCSA; Conference Travel Funding, CMLL; Graduate School Funding,
Texas Tech University
Sherry Huang
Conference Travel Funding, CMLL, The Humanities Center, and the Graduate School, Texas
Tech University, 2019
Brett Stine
United Super Markets Graduate Fellowship, Texas Tech University, 2018-19; Conference
Travel Funding, CMLL and the Graduate School, Texas Tech University, 2019; Manson
A. Stewart Travel Award, CAMWS, 2019
Melissa Velpel
Conference Travel Funding, CMLL and the Graduate School, Texas Tech University, 2019;
Manson A. Stewart Travel Award, CAMWS, 2019
Please see the recent awards page for departmental awards.
CMLL Classics
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -